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- a command (debugger)
: Debugger Commands
- -A file test operator
: Named Unary and File Test Operators
- \A (string boundary)
- The rules of regular expression matching
- The fine print
- -a switch, perl
- Global Special Arrays
- Switches
- <a> tags
- Anchors
- Embedded Versus Referenced Content
- The <a> Tag
- The urn attribute
- The Anchor Object
- Anchor
- String.anchor()
- a2p program
- a2p
- Translation from Awk and Sed
- abbrev( )
: Text::Abbrev--Create an Abbreviatio...
- abbreviations (see aliases)
- about:cache URL
: Security Holes and Security Hobbles
- above attribute (<layer>) :
The above, below, and z-index attributes
- abs( )
- Math Object
- Math.abs()
- abs function
: abs
- absbottom alignment
: The align attribute
- absmiddle alignment
: The align attribute
- absolute
- font size : The size attribute
- URLs
- URLs
- Absolute and Relative URLs
- Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
- absolute value
: abs
- accept attribute (<input>)
: File selection fields
- accept function
: accept
- Accept header
- Accept
- Media Types and Subtypes
- Accept section, CGI data file
: The Accept Section
- accept types
: Accept Types and Content Types
- Accept-Charset header
: Accept-Charset
- Accept-Encoding header
: Accept-Encoding
- Accept-Language header
: Accept-Language
- Accept-Ranges header
: Accept-Ranges
- access, domain-based
: Restricting Access for Specified Domains
- access counters
- How do I write an access counter script?
- User Access Counter
- graphic : Graphic Counter
- for web server
- Web Server Accesses
- Web Server Accesses
- access operators
: Array and Object Access Operators
- access time, file
- stat
- utime
- access.conf file
- Restricting Access for Specified Domains
- Configuring the Apache and NCSA Ser...
- accessing information (see gateways)
- accessing object properties (see objects)
- $ACCUMULATOR (see $^A variable)
- accumulator
: Data Tainting in JavaScript
- acos( )
- Math Object
- Math.acos()
- action attribute
- <form> tag
- Attributes
- The <form> Tag
- Form.action
- The FORM Tag
- Guestbook
- Hidden Fields
- with submit buttons
: Submit and Reset Buttons
- <isindex> tag
: Attributes
- <form>
: The action attribute
- <isindex>
: The action attribute
- <isiundex> tag
: Internet Explorer HTML Exclusives
- action buttons
- Action Buttons
- Multiple buttons in a single form
- action property
- Form.action
- Properties
- ActiveX technology
- Calling JavaScript from Applets
- Writing Applets
- adding (see defining)
- additive operators
- Additive Operators
- (see also + (plus))
- addPt method
: System Load Average
- <address> tag
- <address>
- The <address> Tag
- address-of operator (in C)
: C Operators Missing from Perl
- addresses
- Addresses
- The <address> Tag
- getting from hostnames
- gethostbyname
- getnetbyname
- IP addresses
: The http server
- network, translating to names
- gethostbyaddr
- getnetbyaddr
- packed sockaddr
: getsockname
- user (see REMOTE_ADDR variable)
- AddType directive
- Running CGI Scripts
- Configuration
- Creating Dynamic Home Pages
- administration
: Who Are the WebMasters?
- Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
: In the Beginning
- &AF_INET subroutine : Socket I/O in Perl
- Age header
: Age
- alarm command (Perl)
- Archie
- alarm
- alert( )
- Client-Side JavaScript Examples
- Methods
- Dialogs in onUnload()
- Executable Content: JavaScript in a...
- Exploring JavaScript
- Windows and Frames
- Simple Dialogs
- Window.alert()
- aliases
- GetOptions( ) and
: Aliases and abbreviations
- symbol table entries
: Typeglobs and Filehandles
- with statement for
: with
- align attribute
- <align> tag
: Attributes
- <applet> tag
- The align attribute
- Attributes
- <caption> tag
- Attributes
- The <caption> Tag
- Tags of Contention
- The align and valign attributes
- <col> tag
- Attributes
- The <col> tag
- <colgroup> tag
: Attributes
- <div> tag
- Attributes
- The align attribute
- <embed>
: The align, border, height, width, h...
- <h#> (heading) tags
- Attributes
- The align attribute
- <hr> tag
- Attributes
- The align attribute
- <iframe> tag
- Attributes
- The align attribute
- <img>
- Inline Images
- The align attribute
- <input> tag
: Custom buttons
- <marquee>
- The align attribute
- Attributes
- <object>
- The align, border, height, width, h...
- Attributes
- <p>
- The align attribute
- Attributes
- <spacer>
- Creating blocks of space
- Attributes
- <table> tag
- Attributes
- The <table> Tag
- <th> and <td>
- The align and valign attributes
- Attributes
- The <th> and <td> Tags
- <tr> tag
- Attributes
- The <tr> Tag
- The align attribute
- alignment
- Format Variables
- applets
: Attributes
- centering text : The <center> Tag
- columns (see column layout)
- forms and
: Good Form, Old Chap
- frames
: The align attribute
- in headers
: The align attribute
- images
- The align attribute
- Centering an image
- layers
- The left and top attributes
- The top and left attributes
- paragraphs
: The align attribute
- table captions
- Attributes
- The <caption> Tag
- Tags of Contention
- The align and valign attributes
- table cell contents
- The <table> Tag
- The align and valign attributes
- tables
- Missing Features
- The <table> Tag
- table rows
- The align attribute
- The valign attribute
- text
- The align attribute
- <center>
- text style properties for
- The text-align property
- The vertical-align property
- whitespace
: Creating blocks of space
- alignment sections
: The align attribute
- alink attribute (<body>)
- Document Properties
- Document.alinkColor
- The link, vlink, and alink attributes
- Attributes
- alinkColor property
- Document Properties
- Document.alinkColor
- Properties
- Allow header
: Allow
- alphabetical order
: String Operators
- alt attribute
- <applet>
- Attributes
- The alt attribute
- Supporting incompatible browsers
- <area>
: The alt attribute
- <img> tag
- Attributes
- The alt attribute
- alternate behavior (<marquee>)
: The behavior, direction, and loop a...
- alternatives, matching
- The regular expression bestiary
- The rules of regular expression matching
- ampersand (&)
- Programming with Style
- address-of operator (in C)
: C Operators Missing from Perl
- bitwise AND operator
- Bitwise Operators
- Bitwise And (<tt CLASS=replaceable>...
- to delimit field information
: Submit and Reset Buttons
- for entities
- Special text characters
- Character Entities
- JavaScript Entities
- Named Unary and File Test Operators
- Transferring the Form Data
- JavaScript Entities
- in filenames
: open
- in key-value pairs
: Sending Data to the Server
- prototype character
: Prototypes
- for subroutine names
- Variables
- Subroutines
- in URLs : Transferring the Form Data
- && (logical AND) operator
- C-style Logical (Short Circuit) Ope...
- Miscellaneous Differences
- Logical And (<tt CLASS=replaceable>...
- Logical and, or, not, and xor
- &&= (assignment) operator
: Assignment Operators
- &{} for entities
- Core Language Changes
- JavaScript Entities
- &= (assignment) operator
: Assignment Operators
- analog clock program
- Final PostScript Example: Analog Clock
- Analog Clock
- anchor( )
- String.anchor()
- Methods
- anchors (Anchor objects)
- The Anchor Object
- Anchor
- Anchor Object
- Nailing Things Down
- The rules of regular expression matching
- (see also <a>)
- anchors[ ] property
- Properties
- The Anchor Object
- Anchor
- Document.anchors[]
- AND (&) operator : (see ampersand (&))
- AND (&&) operator : (see ampersand (&))
- angle brackets
- HTML Tag Syntax
- (see also <; >)
- angle operator
- Line input (angle) operator
- Switches
- animated clock program : Animated Clock
- AnimateObject( )
: Live3D
- animation
- Animation
- Server Push
- frame-by-frame (GIF)
: Interlacing, transparency, and animation
- on status bar
: The Status Line
- of text
- Animated Text
- The style and class attributes
- anonymous
- array composer
: The Anonymous Array Composer
: Using Anonymous FTP
- functions
- The Function() Constructor
- Function Object
- hash composer
: The Anonymous Hash Composer
- pipes
: Anonymous pipes
- scalars
: Tying Scalars
- subroutine composer
: The Anonymous Subroutine Composer
- subroutines
: Subroutines
- anonymous FTP
: The ftp user and password
- <answer> tags
: Quiz/Test Form Application
- AnyDBM_File module
: AnyDBM_File--Provide Framework for ...
- Apache server
: WWW Server Information
- apostrophe (')
- String Literals
- Escape Sequences in String Literals
- appCodeName property
- The Navigator, MimeType, and Plugin...
- Navigator.appCodeName
- Properties
- appearance of text (see text)
- append mode, files
: CGI Side Includes
- appending elements to arrays
: push
- Apple Macintosh (see Macintosh)
- AppleScript
- AppleScript (Macintosh Only)
- Other Languages on Macintosh Servers
- decoding forms in : AppleScript
- <applet> tags
- <applet>
- The <applet> Tag
- Supporting incompatible browsers
- Content disappears upon resize
- The JavaObject Object
- applets
- Applets
- The type and valuetype attributes
- Content disappears upon resize
- Interact with Applets
- The JavaObject Object
- Interacting with Applets
- Document.applets[]
- <applet>
- Internet Explorer 3.0 and
: Interacting with Applets
- JSObject objects in
: Using JSObjects in Applets
- LiveConnect with
: Accessing applets before they are loaded
- applets[ ] property
- Properties
- The JavaObject Object
- Interacting with Applets
- Interacting with Applets
- Document.applets[]
- application/ media types
- Media Types and Subtypes
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding
- The application/x-www-form-urlencod...
- The <form> Tag
- applications, executable
- Applets
- The type and valuetype attributes
- applications, CGI (see programs, CGI)
- appName property
- The Navigator, MimeType, and Plugin...
- Navigator.appName
- Properties
- appVersion property
- The Navigator, MimeType, and Plugin...
- Navigator.appVersion
- Properties
- Archie
- Some Working CGI Applications
- Overview
- Archie
- archive attribute (<applet>)
: The archive attribute
- arctangents
: atan2
- Area object
: Area
- <area> tags
- The ismap and usemap attributes
- The <area> Tag
- The title attribute
- <area>
- Miscellaneous Changes
- The Link Object
- Area
- $ARG ($_) variable
- The fine print
- Global Special Variables
- English--Use English or awk Names f...
- angle operator and
: Line input (angle) operator
- forearch statement and
: Foreach loops
- glob function with
: Filename globbing operator
- grep function and
: grep
- map function and
: map
- arguments, function
- Functions
- Defining and Invoking Functions
- The arguments[] Array
- Function arguments and variables ar...
- Function.arguments[]
- verifying number of
: The arguments[] Array
- arguments[ ] property
- Properties
- The arguments[] Array
- Function.arguments[]
- @ARGV array
- Line input (angle) operator
- Global Special Arrays
- Getopt::Long--Extended Processing o...
- ARGV filehandle
: Global Special Filehandles
- $ARGV variable
: Global Special Variables
- arithmetic functions, Perl
: Arithmetic Functions
- arithmetic operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Ideographic Unary Operators
- Overloadable operations
- Arithmetic and Mathematical Functions
- Arithmetic Operators
- ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
: In the Beginning
- Array( )
- Creating Arrays
- Arrays in Navigator 2.0
- Array Object
- arrays (Array objects)
- Core Language Changes
- Array
- Array.join()
- Array.reverse()
- Array.length
- Array.sort()
- Array Object
- Pluralities
- Built-in Data Types
- Arrays
- Arrays
- JavaArray Object
- Array Object
- @_ array
- Subroutines
- English--Use English or awk Names f...
- Debugger Bugs
- anonymous, references to
: The Anonymous Array Composer
- associative
- Objects
- Objects as Associative Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- (see also hashes)
- in awk
: a2p
- built-in
: Built-in Arrays
- comparing
: Equality (==)
- creating
: Object Creation Operator (new)
- defining
: Creating Arrays
- elements of
- Array Elements
- appending to array : push
- deleting
- pop
- shift
- splice
- Removing Elements from an Array
- first : Global Special Variables
- last : List Values and Arrays
- methods for manipulating : Array Methods
- overwriting : Arrays in Navigator 2.0
- prepending : unshift
- global
: Global Special Arrays
- of hashes, code for
: Arrays of Hashes
- initializing with x operator
: Multiplicative Operators
- JavaArray object
- The JavaArray Object
- The JavaArray Object
- JavaArray
- JavaArray.length
- length of
: List Values and Arrays
- length property
: Array Length Property
- lists and
: List Values and Arrays
- looping through
: for...in
- methods for
: Array Methods
- multidimensional
- A Brief Tutorial: Manipulating List...
- Arrays of Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- names for
: Variables
- as objects
: Array/Object Dual Nature
- operators for
: Array and Object Access Operators
- performance and
: Time Efficiency
- Perl and
- Array and List Functions
- Special Arrays
- pop function and
: pop
- replacing/removing elements
: splice
- subscript separator (see $; variable)
- typing
: Tying Arrays
- variables of
: Interpolating array values
- arrow (->) operator
- The Arrow Operator
- Using the Arrow Operator
- Object-Oriented Scaling Tips
- articles, news (see NNTP)
- artificial languages
: Natural and Artificial Languages
- converting POD data to
: Pod::Text--Convert POD Data to Form...
- converting to characters
: chr
- values for characters
: ord
- asin( )
: Math Object
- <ask> tag
: Quiz/Test Form Application
- assertions
: The rules of regular expression matching
- assign( )
- Core Language Changes
- The assign() Method
- Copying Objects with the assign() Method
- Object.assign()
- Methods
- assigning
- to lists : List Values and Arrays
- by reference/value : By Value vs. By Reference
- assignment (=) operator
- Assignment Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Assignment Operators
- The assign() Method
- Previous Perl Traps
- assignment statements
- Variable Declaration
- Expression Statements
- associative arrays
- Objects
- Objects as Associative Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- ((see also hashes)
- associativity
- Operators
- Operator Associativity
- asterisk (*)
- Named Unary and File Test Operators
- Multiplication (*)
- dereference operator (in C)
: C Operators Missing from Perl
- frame size
: Frame Layout
- as media type wildcard
: Media Types and Subtypes
- multiplicative operator
: Multiplicative Operators
- prototype character
: Prototypes
- quantifier
- Quantifiers
- The rules of regular expression matching
- for typeglob names
- Typeglobs and Filehandles
- Passing Symbol Table Entries (Typeglobs)
- ** (exponentiation) operator
: Exponentiation
- **= (assignment) operator
: Assignment Operators
- *= (assignment) operator
: Assignment Operators
- asynchronous execution
: Event Handlers
- at sign
- Previous Perl Traps
- for array names
: Variables
- in debugger
: Using the Debugger
- in picture lines
: Formats
- prototype character
: Prototypes
- @_ array
- Subroutines
- English--Use English or awk Names f...
- Debugger Bugs
- atan( )
- Math.atan()
- atan2
- Math Object
- atan2( )
- Math Object
- Math.atan2()
- $atime file statistic
: stat
- atoms
- The regular expression bestiary
- The rules of regular expression matching
- attributes, HTML tag
- HTML Tag Syntax
- HTML Tags
- The Syntax of a Tag
- audio
- Background Audio
- The loop attribute
- Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
- audio/ media types
: Media Types and Subtypes
- <bgsound> tag
- The <bgsound> Tag
- The loop attribute
- authentication
- of domains : Restricting Access for Specified Domains
- of users
: User Authentication and Identification
- authoring (see writing HTML documents)
- Authorization header
: Authorization
- AUTH_TYPE environment variable
- CGI Environment Variables
- Using Environment Variables
- autodecrement (--) operator
- Autoincrement and Autodecrement Ope...
- Autoincrement and Autodecrement
- Switches
- Overloadable operations
- Decrement (--)
- autogeneration
: Autogeneration
- autoincrement (++) operator
- Autoincrement and Autodecrement Ope...
- Autoincrement and Autodecrement
- Overloadable operations
- Increment (++)
- AUTOLOAD subroutine
- Autoloading
- A Class Is Simply a Package
- Method Autoloading
- AutoLoader module : AutoLoader--Load Functions Only on ...
- autoloading
- AutoLoader--Load Functions Only on ...
- stubs for
: Devel::SelfStubber--Generate Stubs ...
- automatic
- data type conversion
: Automatic Data Type Conversion
- dynamic module loading
: DynaLoader--Automatic Dynamic Loadi...
- garbage collection
: Garbage Collection
- line-end processing
: Switches
- sorting of hashes
: In-memory databases
- automation, document
- Supporting Document Automation
- The n attribute
- autosplit mode
: Switches
- AutoSplit module
: AutoSplit--Split a Module for Autol...
- average system load
- Another Example: System Load Average
- System Load Average
- awk
- C Shell (UNIX Only)
- C Shell
- Awk Traps
- converting to/from Perl
- Translation from Awk and Sed
- a2p
- variable names
: vars--Predeclare Global Variable Names
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