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Symbols and Numbers

-0 switch, perl : Switches
1/2, square root of (constant) : Math.SQRT1_2
2, square root of (constant) : Math.SQRT2
200 (Success) code
Status Codes
Checking Hypertext (HTTP) Links
204 (No Response) code
The "No Response" Code
211 (Success) code : Network News on the Web
221 (Success) code : Network News on the Web
222 (Success) code : Network News on the Web
3-D borders (see borders)
301 (Document Moved) code : Status Codes
401 (Unauthorized) code
Status Codes
Checking Hypertext (HTTP) Links
403 (Forbidden) code : Status Codes
404 (Not Found) code
Status Codes
Checking Hypertext (HTTP) Links
500 (Internal Server Error) code
What should I do when I get a "Serv...
Status Codes
501 (Not Implemented) code : Status Codes
& (ampersand)
Programming with Style
address-of operator (in C) : C Operators Missing from Perl
bitwise AND operator
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise And (<tt CLASS=replaceable>...
to delimit field information : Submit and Reset Buttons
for entities
Special text characters
Character Entities
JavaScript Entities
Named Unary and File Test Operators
Transferring the Form Data
JavaScript Entities
in filenames : open
in key-value pairs : Sending Data to the Server
prototype character : Prototypes
for subroutine names
in URLs : Transferring the Form Data
&& (logical AND) operator
C-style Logical (Short Circuit) Ope...
Miscellaneous Differences
Logical And (<tt CLASS=replaceable>...
Logical and, or, not, and xor
&&= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
&{} for entities
Core Language Changes
JavaScript Entities
&= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
< > (angle brackets) : HTML Tag Syntax
' (apostrophe)
String Literals
Escape Sequences in String Literals
* (asterisk)
Named Unary and File Test Operators
Multiplication (*)
dereference operator (in C) : C Operators Missing from Perl
frame size : Frame Layout
as media type wildcard : Media Types and Subtypes
multiplicative operator : Multiplicative Operators
prototype character : Prototypes
The rules of regular expression matching
for typeglob names
Typeglobs and Filehandles
Passing Symbol Table Entries (Typeglobs)
** (exponentiation) operator : Exponentiation
**= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
*= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
@ (at sign)
Previous Perl Traps
for array names : Variables
in debugger : Using the Debugger
in picture lines : Formats
prototype character : Prototypes
@_ array
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Debugger Bugs
\ (backslash)
Escape Sequences in String Literals
to escape metacharacters : The regular expression bestiary
for multiline commands : Using the Debugger
quotemeta function for : quotemeta
reference operator
Ideographic Unary Operators
The Backslash Operator
` (backtick)
Anonymous pipes
emulating : Cleaning up your path
Command input (backtick) operator
Shell Traps
Programming with Style
`` command : C Shell
! (bang)
for argument specifiers : Getopt::Long--Extended Processing o...
debugger command : Debugger Commands
in import list : Specialized import lists
logical negation operator : Ideographic Unary Operators : Logical Not (!)
!! debugger command : Debugger Commands
!= (not equal to) operator
Inequality (!=)
Equality Operators
Universal Blunders
!~ (binding) operator : Binding Operators
{ } (braces)
Compound Statements
Braces, Brackets, and Quoting
Universal Blunders
Programming with Style
in awk : Awk Traps
for statement blocks : Compound Statements
hash composer : The Anonymous Hash Composer
identifiers in : String literals
The rules of regular expression matching
[ ] (brackets)
Array and Object Access Operators
Objects as Associative Arrays
Reading and Writing Array Elements
Conversions to Objects
The Anonymous Array Composer
to match characters : The rules of regular expression matching
^ (caret)
assertion : Quantifiers
bitwise XOR operator
Bitwise Operators
Awk Traps
Bitwise Xor (^)
line boundary
Nailing Things Down
The rules of regular expression matching
The fine print
matching : The rules of regular expression matching
in picture lines : Formats
^= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
: (colon)
in import list : Specialized import lists
separating Macintosh directories : AppleScript
:: for package identifiers
Previous Perl Traps
, (comma)
Universal Blunders
delimiting list values : List Values and Arrays
key/value pairs and : Hashes (Associative Arrays)
large numbers and : Numeric literals
Comma Operators
The Comma Operator (,)
Awk Traps
in styles : Multiple Selectors
{} curly braces (see braces)
$ (dollar sign)
for backreferences (see backreferences)
in debugger : Using the Debugger
line boundary
The rules of regular expression matching
The fine print
prototype character : Prototypes
for scalar variable names : Variables
word boundary : Nailing Things Down
$# prefix : List Values and Arrays
$ variables
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
$1, $2, $3... (see backreferences)
$& ($MATCH)
The fine print
Regular Expression Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Time Efficiency
The fine print
Regular Expression Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Time Efficiency
$* ($MULTILINE_MATCHING) : Regular Expression Special Variables
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
The fine print
Regular Expression Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Time Efficiency
$! ($OS_ERROR)
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
$[ : Global Special Variables
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Format Variables
Per-Filehandle Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Universal Blunders
Accessing Formatting Internals
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
formline function : formline
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
$^H : Global Special Variables
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Format Variables
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Named Unary and File Test Operators
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
resetting with close function : close
Format Variables
Per-Filehandle Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Per-Filehandle Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Format Variables
Per-Filehandle Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
The fine print
Regular Expression Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
backtick operator and : Command input (backtick) operator
close function and : close
$" ($LIST_SEPARATOR) : English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
$# ($OFMT) : Global Special Variables
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Format Variables
Per-Filehandle Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
$_ ($ARG)
The fine print
Global Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
angle operator and : Line input (angle) operator
forearch statement and : Foreach loops
glob function with : Filename globbing operator
grep function and : grep
map function and : map
Format Variables
Per-Filehandle Special Variables
English--Use English or awk Names f...
Digital Clock
. (dot)
Named Unary and File Test Operators
Array and Object Access Operators
Reading and Writing Object Properties
Arrays in Navigator 2.0
Conversions to Objects
character wildcard
Regular Expressions
The rules of regular expression matching
The fine print
concatenation operator
String Operators
Additive Operators
Time Efficiency
debugger command : Debugger Commands
.. (range) operator : Range Operator
.= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
= (equal sign)
assignment operator
Assignment Operators
Assignment Operators
Assignment Operators
The assign() Method
Previous Perl Traps
combined with operations : Assignment with Operation
copy constructor : Copy constructor
debugger command : Debugger Commands
defining tag attributes : The Syntax of a Tag
== (equal to) operator
Equality Operators
Universal Blunders
Equality (==)
=> (corresponds to) operator
Comma Operators
with key/value pairs : Hashes (Associative Arrays)
with named parameters : Hashes (Associative Arrays)
=~ (binding) operator : Binding Operators
> (greater than) operator
Relational Operators
String Operators
>= (greater than or equal) operator
Relational Operators
Greater Than or Equal (>=)
String Operators
>> (shift right with sign) operator : Shift Right with Sign (>>)
>>> (shift right zero fill) operator : Shift Right Zero Fill (>>>)
- (hyphen)
The rules of regular expression matching
arithmetic negation operator
Ideographic Unary Operators
Named Unary and File Test Operators
Unary Negation (-)
debugger command : Debugger Commands
subtractive operator
Additive Operators
Subtraction (-)
-*- for Emacs : Command Processing
-= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
-- (autodecrement) operator
Autoincrement and Autodecrement Ope...
Autoincrement and Autodecrement
Overloadable operations
Decrement (--)
-> (arrow) operator
The Arrow Operator
Using the Arrow Operator
Object-Oriented Scaling Tips
-| piping pseudo-command : Talking to yourself
< (left angle bracket)
Non-option callback routine
Special text characters
String Operators
debugger command : Debugger Commands
filename globbing operator : Filename globbing operator
in filenames : open
for left justification : Format Variables
less than operator
Relational Operators
Less Than (<)
line input operator : Line input (angle) operator
<!-- --> tags
Hiding Scripts from Old Browsers
(see also SSI)
<= (less than or equal) operator
Relational Operators
Less Than or Equal (<=)
String Operators
<=> (comparison) operator
Equality Operators
<< (shift left) operator
"Here" documents
Shift Operators
Shift Left (<<)
<<= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
< > construct (see angle brackets)
( ) (parentheses)
The regular expression bestiary
Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
Programming with Style
Operator Precedence
Function Call Operator
Defining and Invoking Functions
for backreferences : Backreferences
in functions : Functions
grouping operator : The rules of regular expression matching
for list values : List Values and Arrays
(?!) assertion : Regular expression extensions
(?!...) assertion : The rules of regular expression matching
(?:) for grouping : Regular expression extensions
(?...) assertion : The rules of regular expression matching
(?=) assertion : Regular expression extensions
(?i) modifier : Regular expression extensions
(?#) for comments : Regular expression extensions
% (percent sign)
Tailoring SSI Output
for checksums : unpack
for date/time data : Configurable Time Formats for SSI Output
for hash names : Variables
modulus operator
Multiplicative Operators
Modulo (%)
Named Unary and File Test Operators
prototype character : Prototypes
in URLs : Writing a URL
%2F sequence : URL Encoding
%= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
+ (plus)
Named Unary and File Test Operators
Workarounds for Navigator 2.0
additive operator
Additive Operators
Addition (+)
concatenation operator :
String Operators
Conversions to Strings
in filenames : open
Regular Expressions
The rules of regular expression matching
unary operator : Ideographic Unary Operators
+= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
++ (autoincrement) operator
Autoincrement and Autodecrement Ope...
Autoincrement and Autodecrement
Overloadable operations
Increment (++)
# (pound sign)
for comments : Pattern Matching
for entities : Special text characters
in formats : Formats
for name anchors
Hyperlink Names and Navigation
Linking Within a Document
in server side includes : Common Errors
with uncgi : C Shell (csh)
in URLs : The http document fragment
#! (shebang) notation
How to Do It
Command Processing
Security bugs
? (question mark)
Query Strings
Handling reserved and unsafe characters
The http search parameter
Named Unary and File Test Operators
debugger command : Debugger Commands
The rules of regular expression matching
?: (conditional) operator
Conditional Operator
The Conditional Operator (?:)
?? operator (see m?? operator)
" (quotation mark)
Braces, Brackets, and Quoting
Pick your own quotes
String Literals
String literals
The regular expression bestiary
for attribute values : The Syntax of a Tag
in braces : String literals
double-quote context : Interpolative context
in formline arguments : formline
qq/../ construct : Mail Gateway
strings and : String literals
in URLs : Handling reserved and unsafe characters
> (right angle bracket)
debugger command : Debugger Commands
filename globbing operator : Filename globbing operator
in filenames : open
greater than operator : Relational Operators
line input operator : Line input (angle) operator
for right justification : Format Variables
>= (greater than or equal) operator
Relational Operators
Greater Than or Equal (>=)
String Operators
>> (right-shift) operator : Shift Operators
>>= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
; (semicolon)
Netscape Persistent Cookies
Simple Statements
Universal Blunders
Optional Semicolons
# (sharp)
' (single quotes)
String literals
String Literals
/ (slash)
Named Unary and File Test Operators
debugger command : Debugger Commands
division operator
Multiplicative Operators
Division (/)
in ending HTML tags
Start and End Tags
HTML Tag Syntax
in import list : Specialized import lists
root directory : chroot
in URLs
Handling reserved and unsafe characters
The http path
URL Encoding
/= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
// comment marker : Comments
/* */ comment marker : Comments
// match operator (see match operator)
~ (tilde)
The http path
bitwise negation operator
Bitwise Not (~)
Ideographic Unary Operators
complement operator : Awk Traps
to supress blank lines : Formats
_ (underscore)
Previous Perl Traps
global filehandle : Global Special Filehandles
large numbers and : Numeric literals
in variable names : Programming with Style
| (vertical bar)
for alternation : The regular expression bestiary
bitwise OR operator
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise Or (|)
for centering : Format Variables
debugger command
Debugger Commands
Debugger Commands
in filenames : open
for option specifiers : Aliases and abbreviations
|= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators
|- piping pseudo-command : Talking to yourself
|| (logical OR) operator
C-style Logical (Short Circuit) Ope...
Miscellaneous Differences
Logical Or (||)
||= (assignment) operator : Assignment Operators

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