Webmaster in a Nutshell

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Why So Many Chapters?
Conventions Used in This Book
Request for Comments

This book is for everyone who works on the content end of the World Wide Web. Do you author or maintain Web documents? Do you work with CGI for creating fill-out forms? Are you a programmer developing client or server Web-based applications? Do you write JavaScript applets? Are you the administrator of a Web site, responsible for maintaining and updating the server software?

There are innumerable books and online resources for learning Web-related skills. What this book does is pare them down to a single desktop-sized volume for easy reference. You may be a whiz at CGI programming, but forget how to use Netscape cookies. You may know HTML fairly well, but can never remember the correct syntax for creating tables. You might forget the directive for creating directory aliases on your server, or how to enforce password protection on documents.

By no means is this book a replacement for more detailed books on the Web. But when those books have been digested and placed onto your bookshelves with pride, this one will remain on your desktop.


This book is separated into five distinct subject areas. In turn, each subject area is split into chapters. Some chapters are 70 pages; others are 3 pages.

Chapter 1, Introduction

Introduces you to the book and to the Web in general.

Part 1: HTML

The first section of the book covers the Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML.

Chapter 2, HTML Overview

Gives a brief background to HTML syntax.

Chapter 3, HTML Tags

Lists the HTML tags currently in use.

Chapter 4, Frames

Shows how to use HTML frames.

Chapter 5, Tables

Shows how to use HTML tables.

Chapter 6, Color Names and Values

Lists the names accepted by HTML attributes that accept color values.

Chapter 7, Character Entities

Lists the special characters recognized by HTML.

Chapter 8, Browser Comparison

Briefly describes differences between the Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

Part 2: CGI

The second section of the book covers the Common Gateway Interface, or CGI.

Chapter 9, CGI Overview

Gives a brief background to CGI.

Chapter 10, HTML Form Tags

Lists the form tags and demonstrates their usage in a brief example.

Chapter 11, CGI Environment Variables

Lists the environment variables available to CGI programs.

Chapter 12, Cookies

Shows how to use cookies in CGI programs.

Chapter 13, Server Side Includes

Describes SSI, listing directives and environment variables and demonstrating their use.

Chapter 14, Windows CGI

Describes the Windows CGI, the CGI interface for Windows-based programming languages.

Chapter 15, Perl Quick Reference

Lists Perl syntax and functions.

Chapter 16, Other CGI Resources

Lists URLs with libraries and modules that can facilitate CGI programming.

Part 3: HTTP

The third section of the book covers Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP.

Chapter 17, HTTP Overview

Introduces HTTP and its general format.

Chapter 18, Server Response Codes

Lists the three-digit response codes generated on the server end.

Chapter 19, HTTP Headers

Lists the general, request, response, and entity headers for HTTP.

Chapter 20, Media Types and Subtypes

Lists the media (content) types in common use.

Part 4: JavaScript

The fourth section of the book covers JavaScript in a single chapter.

Chapter 21, JavaScript Quick Reference

Introduces and provides a lengthy reference to JavaScript.

Part 5: Server Configuration

The fifth and final section of the book covers server configuration.

Chapter 22, Server Configuration Overview

Describes how servers work.

Chapter 23, Apache and NCSA Server Configuration

Lists the directives used by the Apache and NCSA family of servers.

Chapter 24, CERN Server Configuration

Lists the directives used by the CERN (W3C) server.

Chapter 25, Netscape Server Configuration

Lists the directives used by the Netscape family of servers.

Chapter 26, WebSite Server Configuration

Describes how to configure the WebSite server.

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HTML: The Definitive Guide CGI Programming JavaScript: The Definitive Guide Programming Perl WebMaster in a Nutshell
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