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C programming language
When is a Perl CGI program too comp...
C/C++ (UNIX, Windows, Macintosh)
decoding forms in
C/C++ decoding using libcgi
inability to pattern-match : C/C++ decoding using uncgi
C shell (csh)
C Shell (UNIX Only)
C Shell
decoding forms in
C Shell (csh)
setting environment variables : Server Simulation
C++ programming language
When is a Perl CGI program too comp...
C/C++ (UNIX, Windows, Macintosh)
decoding forms in
C/C++ decoding using libcgi
caching documents : The "Expires" and "Pragma" Headers
cal utility : Main Program
calendar manager
Calendar Manager
canned queries : GET vs. POST module
carriage return (\r) : Perl (UNIX, Windows, Macintosh)
carriage return (\\r) : Multipart Forms
cat command : Pipes and the open Command
CERN server : WWW Server Information
configuring SSI for
Configuring SSI for the CERN Server
setting up CGI directory for : Running CGI Scripts
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
applications (see programs, CGI)
Should I use the Perl CGI modules t...
CGI Modules for Perl 5
Form Creation and Parsing
CGI Software
official specificiations for : Official Specifications
scripts (see programs, CGI)
CGI Lint
Software Developed for the Book
CGI Lint--A Debugging/Testing Tool
CGI Lint in Action
CGI Lite
CGI Lite
Multipart Forms
Software Developed for the Book
CGI side includes
CGI Side Includes
CSI Statements and Hidden Fields
cgi-bin directory
Where does my Perl CGI program have...
Internal Workings of CGI library : What CGI or WWW libraries are avail...
CGI.BAS library : Visual Basic
cgi.h header file : C/C++ decoding using libcgi
CGI_Main function (VB) : Visual Basic
char method : Graphic Counter
Form Creation and Parsing
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
CHECKED attribute (<INPUT>)
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
Quiz/Test Form Application
child processes
Forking/Spawning Child Processes
chmod command : File Permission Problems
<CHOICE> tag : Quiz/Test Form Application
client pull
Client Pull
clients (see web browsers)
browsers as (see web browsers)
Cookie Client
Client Simulation
analog (gd graphics)
Analog Clock
analog (PostScript)
Final PostScript Example: Analog Clock
Animated Clock
digital (gd graphics)
Digital Clock
digital (PostScript)
Digital Clock
Inserting Multiple Dynamic Images
close command : Creating Dynamic Home Pages
close_connection subroutine : Socket Library
colon (:), separating Macintosh directories : AppleScript
Coloring Book : Some Working CGI Applications
complete headers
Complete (Non-Parsed) Headers
Concentration game program
Game of Concentration
config command (SSI)
Tailoring SSI Output
for server side includes : Configuration
web server : Configuring the Server
Content-length header
CGI and Response Headers
The Content-length Header
Web Server Accesses
CONTENT_TYPE variable : Using Environment Variables
Content-type header
Internal Workings of CGI
About This Server
CGI and Response Headers
Accept Types and Content Types
Using Environment Variables
The GET and POST Methods
Understanding the Decoding Process
cookies : CGI Side Includes
as clients
Cookie Client
expiring : Cookie Server
CGI Side Includes
Magic Cookies
Netscape Persistent Cookies
server for
Maintaining State with a Server
Cookie Client
How do I write an access counter script?
User Access Counter
Graphic Counter
for web server
Web Server Accesses
Web Server Accesses
decremental : Counting Days Until . . .
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) archives : Software Developed for the Book
creating databases : Creating a database
csh (see C shell)
CSIs (see CGI side includes)
customizing SSI output : Tailoring SSI Output

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