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radio buttons
<input type=radio>
Radio buttons
Radio Object
Radio object : Radio Object
random( ) : Math Object
Range header : Range
redirection HTTP status codes
Client Request Incomplete
Referer header : Referer
referrer property : Properties
regular expressions : Regular Expressions
rel attribute
<a> tag : Attributes
<link> tag
Internet Explorer HTML Exclusives
relative URLs : Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
reload( ) : Methods
REMOTE_ADDR environment variable : CGI Environment Variables
REMOTE_HOST environment variable : CGI Environment Variables
REMOTE_IDENT environment variable : CGI Environment Variables
REMOTE_USER environment variable : CGI Environment Variables
replace functions, Perl : Search and Replace Functions
replace( ) : Methods
REQUEST_METHOD environment variable : CGI Environment Variables
reset( ) : Methods
reset button
<input type=reset>
Reset buttons
Reset Object
Reset object : Reset Object
resources : Recommended Books
response codes, HTTP : Server Response Codes
Retry-After header : Retry-After
rev attribute
<a> tag : Attributes
<link> tag : Attributes
reverse( ) : Methods
rightmargin attribute, <body> : Internet Explorer HTML Exclusives
round( ) : Math Object
rounding numbers : Math Object
in frames : Frame Layout
The <tr> Tag
Cell Spanning
rows attribute
<frameset> tag
Frame Layout
<textarea> tag : Attributes
rowspan attribute, <td> and <th> tags
Cell Spanning
rules attribute, <table>
Internet Explorer Tables
Internet Explorer HTML Exclusives

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