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15.11 String Functions

chomp list(dagger)

Removes line endings from all elements of the list; returns the (total) number of characters removed.

chop list(dagger)

Chops off the last character on all elements of the list; returns the last chopped character.

crypt plaintext, salt

Encrypts a string.

eval expr(dagger)

expr is parsed and executed as if it were a Perl program. The value returned is the value of the last expression evaluated. If there is a syntax error or runtime error, an undefined string is returned by eval, and $@ is set to the error message. See also eval in Miscellaneous.

index str, substr [ , offset ]

Returns the position of substr in str at or after offset. If the substring is not found, returns -1 (but see $[ in Special Variables).

length expr(dagger)

Returns the length in characters of the value of expr.

lc expr

Returns a lowercase version of expr.

lcfirst expr

Returns expr with the first character lowercase.

quotemeta expr

Returns expr with all regular expression metacharacters quoted.

rindex str, substr [ , offset ]

Returns the position of the last substr in str at or before offset.

substr expr, offset [ , len ]

Extracts a substring of length len out of expr and returns it. If offset is negative, counts from end of the string. May have a value assigned to it.

uc expr

Returns an uppercased version of expr.

ucfirst expr

Returns expr with the first character uppercased.

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