JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

Previous Appendix A
JavaScript Resources on the Internet

A.2 Discussion of JavaScript

The primary worldwide forum for discussion (in English) of JavaScript is the Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.javascript. As with many Usenet newsgroups, this one can have a lot of traffic, and can sometimes be difficult to keep up with.

If you don't care for the quality or quantity of discussion that occurs in such a large, widely distributed forum, you may prefer to try to find (or start!) a smaller mailing list or chat room dedicated to the discussion of JavaScript. One of the main JavaScript mailing lists (with a moderately large volume of traffic) is hosted by See the list homepage for directions on how to subscribe to this list:

Note that this mailing list is also available in digest form, which can be very convenient.

If you are a member of Netscape's DevEdge developer's program, you might also try the JavaScript newsgroup hosted by Netscape:


Note that this newsgroup uses the "secure news" snews: protocol rather than the traditional news:.

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