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<u> tags : The <u> Tag
<ul> tags
Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
The <ul> Tag
The style and class attributes
underscoring : The <u> Tag
units attribute (<embed>) : The units attribute
unordered lists
Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
Unordered Lists
The style and class attributes
custom bullets : Custom Bullets
nesting : Nested Unordered Lists
unsafe characters in URLs : Handling reserved and unsafe characters
URLs (uniform resource locators)
Referencing Documents: The URL
Using relative URLs
<base> tag for
The <base> Header Element
Using <base>
generating randomly : A random URL generator
The http URL
Sample http URLs
JavaScript : JavaScript URLs
query : The query URL
as style property values : URL property values
urn attribute (<a>) : The urn attribute
URNs (universal resource names) : The urn attribute
usemap attribute
Image Maps
The ismap and usemap attributes
<object> : The shapes and usemap attributes
user interface design : User Interface Considerations

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