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mailto URL
The mailto URL
Using mailto to collect form data (...
<map> tags
The ismap and usemap attributes
The <map> Tag
image (see clickable image maps)
standard color : The Standard Color Map
marginheight attribute (<frame>) : The marginheight and marginwidth at...
around applets : The hspace and vspace attributes
frames and : The marginheight and marginwidth at...
style properties for : The margin properties
text : The leftmargin attribute
marginwidth attribute (<frame>) : The marginheight and marginwidth at...
<marquee> tags
The <marquee> Tag
The style and class attributes
masked text fields : Masked text fields
mayscript attribute (<applet>) : The mayscript attribute
menu lists
Menu Lists
The style and class attributes
<menu> tags
The <menu> Tag
The style and class attributes
<meta> tag
The <meta> Header Element
The charset attribute
Uniquely Refreshing
Cycling among documents
method attribute (<form>) : The method attribute
middle alignment (see align attribute)
MIME types : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
application/x-www-form-urlencoded : The application/x-www-form-urlencod...
file-selection fields and : File selection fields
multipart/form-data : The multipart/form-data encoding
multipart/mixed : The Multipart/Mixed-Media Type
multipart/x-mixed-replace : Multipart Mixed-Replace-Media Type
text/css : Document-Level Style Sheets
text/plain : The text/plain encoding
missing HTML tags : Omitting Tags
monospaced text
<code> tags : The <code> Tag
<kbd> tags : The <kbd> Tag
<plaintext> tags : The <plaintext> Tag
<tt> tags : The <tt> Tag
<var> tags : The <var> Tag
Mosaic browser : HTML and the World Wide Web
mouse events (see clickable image maps; event handlers, JavaScript)
movies (see animation; video)
<multicol> tags
The <multicol> Tag
The style and class attributes
multiline text form areas
Multiline Text Areas
Form <textarea> Even...
Other Multimedia Content
Beyond HTML
Background Audio
The loop attribute
client-push documents for : Pulling Non-HTML Content
GIF animation : Interlacing, transparency, and animation
images (see images)
text animation
Animated Text
The style and class attributes
video : The dynsrc attribute
<img> extensions for
Video Extensions
Combining movie <img>...
virtual reality
Beyond HTML
multipart/form-data encoding : The multipart/form-data encoding
multipart/mixed encoding : The Multipart/Mixed-Media Type
multipart/x-mixed-replace encoding : Multipart Mixed-Replace-Media Type
multiple attribute (<select>) : The multiple attribute
multiple-choice elements
Multiple Choice Elements
The style and class attributes
multiple styles : Style Precedence

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