Storing Rectangular Gridded Arrays of Scientific Data 4.1 March 1993 4.1 NCSA HDF Calling Interfaces and Utilities Storing Rectangular Gridded Arrays of Scientific Data 4.1 National Center for Supercomputing Applications March 1993 Chapter 4 Storing Rectangular Gridded Arrays of Scientific Data Chapter Overview Scientific Datasets Reasons to Use Scientific Datasets Header File Writing Scientific Datasets to a File Writing Entire Arrays to an HDF File The Set Routines: Preparing to Write an SDS Writing an SDS to a File Writing Parts of an SDS Reading Scientific Datasets from a File Reading and Entire Array Getting Other Information about an SDS Reading Parts of an SDS Other SDS Routines How SDS Routines Store and Convert Scientific Data How HDF Normally Stores Arrays How HDF Normally Represents Numbers Backward Compatibility Sample Programs A FORTRAN Program A C Program Chapter Overview This chapter describes the routines that are available for storing and retrieving scientific datasets. Scientific Datasets A Scientific Data Set (SDS) is an HDF set that stores rectangular gridded arrays of data, together with information about the data. Specifically, a SDS is a set of tags and associated information about scientific data. Assuming that a user of scientific data often will want information about the data, an SDS might contain the following information. (The first three items are required in every SDS; the rest are optional.) * The actual data values. * The number of dimensions (rank) and the size of each dimension * The number type of the data. * To be used along the different dimensions when interpreting or displaying the data * Labels for all dimensions (each label can be thought of as the name of an independent variable) and for the data (the dependent variable) * Units for all dimensions and for the data * Format specifications to be used when displaying values for the dimensions and for the data * A range, attributing maximum and minimum values for the data set. * Calibration information including an offset and scale factor. * A fill value for representing missing data in a data set. * The coordinate system to be used when interpreting or displaying the data Figure 4.1 shows a conceptual view of a sample scientific dataset. The actual 2D array of data is only one element in the set. Other elements include the number of dimensions (rank), the sizes of the dimensions, identifying information about the data and axes, and scales for the axes. ED. NOTE: Figures are not available in this plain text version of the specification. Figure 4.1 HDF File with Scientific Dataset A file can contain many SDSs. It can also contain other HDF objects, such as raster image sets and annotations, together in the same file with SDSs. The HDF library provides an SDS interface with routines for storing and retrieving scientific data sets. This user interface lets you (a) build an SDS and (b) extract data from an SDS. These routines can be called from C and FORTRAN programs that have access to the library. All routines are functions of type integer. Table 4.1 lists the C and FORTRAN names of SDS routines currently contained in the HDF library. The following sections provide descriptions and examples of these calling routines. Table 4.1 Scientific Dataset Routines in the HDF Library C FORTRAN Name Name Function DFSDadddata dsadata appends the data to the file, not overwriting other file contents. DFSDputdata dspdata writes the data to a new file, truncating old file if it exists. DFSDsetNT dssnt tells which number type is to be used for next DFSDadddata or DFSDputdata DFSDsetdims dssdims sets the rank and dimension sizes for succeeding SDSs DFSDclear dsclear clears all possible set values. DFSDsetdimstrs dssdist sets label, unit, and format specifications for a dimension and its scale. DFSDsetdimscale dssdisc sets the scale for a dimension. DFSDsetdatastrs dissdastsets label, unit, and format specifications for the data. DFSDsetlengths dsslens sets maximum lengths for strings that will hold labels, units, formats, and the name of the coordinate system. DFSDsetrange dssrang sets maximum and minimum data values. DFSDsetcal dsscal sets calibration information associated with data DFSDstartslice dssslc prepares system to write part of a dataset to a file. DFSDputslice dspslc writes part of a dataset to a file. DFSDendslice dseslc indicates write completion for all parts of a dataset. DFSDgetdata dsgdata reads the next dataset in the file. DFSDgetNT dsgnt gets the number type of data that will be read with DFSDgetdata. DFSDgetdims dsgdims gets the number of dimensions of the dataset and the sizes of the dimensions for the next SDS in the file. DFSDgetdimstrs dsgdist reads the label, unit, and format for a dimension and its scale. DFSDgetdimscale dsgdisc reads the scale for a dimension. DFSDgetdatastrs dsgdast reads the label, unit, and format specification for the data. DFSDgetrange dsgrang reads the maximum and minimum values. DFSDgetcal dsgcal gets calibration information associated with data DFSDreadref dsrref sets the reference number of the SDS to get next DFSDrestart dsfirst sets the next get command to read from the first SDS in the file, rather than the next. DFSDgetslice dsgslc reads part of a dataset. DFSDnumber returns the number of SDSs in the file. DFSDlastref dslref returns the value of the last reference number of an SDS read from or written to the file. DFSDpre32sdg dsp32sd tests whether the SDS with a given ref was created by an HDF library that precedes HDF3.2. Header File The header file dfsd.h contains the declarations and definitions that are used by the routines listed here. This file can, if needed, be included with your C source code. Writing Scientific Datasets to a File SDS information is written to a file in two steps. The first involves execution of a series of "set" calls, which put information about the actual data into a special structure in primary memory. To set information associated with an SDS, you usually first invoke DFSDsetdims, then execute whatever set routines you need. If you do not wish to specify a certain item, you need not invoke its corresponding set call. The second phase involves actually writing the data to a file, along with the information that has been set. You can write data arrays to an HDF file in two basic ways: 1. by writing out the entire array with a single call (DFSDadddata or DFSDputdata), and 2. by writing the array in smaller pieces, or "slices." Method #1 is covered in the section "Writing Entire Arrays to an HDF file". Method #2 is covered in the section "Writing Parts of a Scientific Dataset". In general, you perform these same two steps for each dataset you want to write to your file. However, it is not usually necessary to perform all set calls for every dataset you wish to write out. For example, if the rank and dimensions of all datasets are exactly the same, you only have to call the routine DFSDsetdims before writing out the first set. Thereafter, you need only call DFSDputdata/DFSDadddata to write out the different data sets. The HDF software remembers the rank and dimension values and associates them with all subsequent data arrays that are written to the same file, unless you change them. In other words, once an item has been set, it does not normally go away even after a DFSDputdata or DFSDadddata call. The associated information is only cleared if the new dataset has different rank or dimensions, or if DFSDclear is called. (The only exception to this are that the values set by DFSDsetrange and DFSDsetcal are cleared after they are written to a file.) A note about how to describe the dimensions of array: Most current Fortran compilers read/write data into/from an array in column major order. (See the section "How SDS Routines Store and Convert Scientific Data" for details.) For a given data stream, if the order of the dimensions of the Fortran array is the reverse of that of the C array, then the HDF files written by C or Fortran programs will be the same. All of the Fortran examples in this chapter use arrays with reversed dimensions from their counterparts in C. For instance, if a 3D Fortran array is declared as fdata(500,800,10), the corresponding C array would be declared as cdata[10][800][500]. The data can be imagined as 10 planes, each plane having 800 lines and each line having 500 points. We would denote this array as a 10x800x500 array. The size of the first dimension of fdata is 500 while that of cdata is 10. The size of the third dimension of fdata is 10 while cdata is 500. The same interpretation applies for 2D arrays. Writing Entire Arrays to an HDF File DFSDadddata FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsadata(filename, rank, dimsizes, data) CHARACTER*(*) filename - name of file to store SDS in INTEGER rank - number of dimensions of data array to be stored INTEGER dimsizes(rank) - array that holds sizes of dimensions of the data array data(*) - array holding data to be stored C: int DFSDadddata(filename, rank, dimsizes, data) char *filename; /* name of file to store SDS in */ int rank; /* number of dimensions of data array to be stored */ int32 dimsizes[]; /* array that holds sizes of dimensions of the data array */ *data; /* array holding data to be stored */ Purpose: To add to an HDF file the data in the multidimensional array data, as well as all other information that has previously been set (see "Set Routines" below.) Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. The argument rank gives the number of dimensions of the array data. The array dimsizes contains the sizes of the dimensions. The length of the array dimsizes is rank. The array "data" can be of any valid type (see discussion of DFSDsetNT below). If no number type has been set by DFSDsetNT, it is assumed that the data is of type float32. The invocation of DFSDadddata triggers the writing of the entire SDS. That is, when DFSDadddata is called, all information that has been set by the "DFSDset..." calls (covered below) is written to the file, along with the data array itself. Example: Writing an Array as a Scientific Dataset. This example shows a call that stores a 5x20x5000 array of type float32s in an SDS . The SDS is to be stored in a file called 'myfile.hdf', with no labels, scales, or other information. FORTRAN: INTEGER dsadata REAL points(5000,20,5) INTEGER dims(3), ret ... dims(1) = 5000 dims(2) = 20 dims(3) = 5 ret = dsadata('myfile.hdf',3, dims, points) ... C: #include "hdf.h" ... float32 points[5][20][5000]; int dims[3]; ... dims(0) = 5; dims(1) = 20; dims(2) = 5000; DFSDadddata("myfile.hdf",3, dims, points); ... DFSDputdata FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dspdata(filename, rank, dimsizes, data) CHARACTER*(*) filename - name of file to store SDS in INTEGER rank - number of dimensions of data array to be stored INTEGER dimsizes(rank) - array that holds sizes of dimensions data(*) - array holding data to be stored C: int DFSDputdata(filename, rank, dimsizes, data) char *filename; /* name of file to store SDS in */ int rank; /* number of dimensions of data array to be stored */ int32 dimsizes[]; /* array that holds sizes of dimensions */ *data; /* array holding data to be stored */ Purpose: DFSDputdata does the same thing that DFSDadddata does, except that it overwrites the previous contents of the file, whereas DFSDadddata appends the scientific dataset to the file. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. NOTE: DFSDputdata destroys whatever was in the HDF file before it was called. Use it with caution. The "Set" Routines: Preparing to Write an SDS DFSDsetNT FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssnt(numbertype) INTEGER*4 numbertype - number type of data to be written C: int DFSDsetNT(numbertype) int32 numbertype; /* number type of data to be written*/ Purpose: To set the number type to be used for data to be written out by the next DFSDadddata or DFSDputdata.. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. DFSDsetNT must be called if a number type other than float32 is to be stored. DFSDsetNT and DFSDsetdims can be called in any order, but they should be called before any other "DFSDset" functions and before DFSDputdata or DFSDadddata. Valid parameter values for DFSDsetNT (e.g. DFNT_INT8) are of the general form "DFNT_", all capital letters. The following table gives the number types currently supported. If you include the file hdf.h in your program, you can use the symbolic names of the number types. Number types that are available in only the C-interface are marked with and asterisk (*). symbolic type name value 32-bit float DFNT_FLOAT32 5 64-bit float DFNT_FLOAT64 6 8-bit signed integer DFNT_INT8 20 8-bit unsigned integer* DFNT_UINT8 21 16-bit signed integer DFNT_INT16 22 16-bit unsigned integer*DFNT_UINT16 23 32-bit signed integer DFNT_INT32 24 32-bit unsigned integer*DFNT_UINT32 25 For other information how HDF stored numbers, see the section "How HDF Stores Numbers in SDSs" elsewhere. Example. Assuming that DFNT_INT8 has been defined and i8data is an array with 8-bit integer data, the following code fragments write out 8-bit integers to an SDS. FORTRAN: iret = dssnt(DFNT_INT8) iret = dsadata('myfile.hdf', rank, dims, i8data) C: DFSDsetNT(DFNT_INT8); DFSDadddata("myfile.hdf", rank, dims, i8data); DFSDsetdims FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssdims(rank, dimsizes) INTEGER rank - number of dimensions INTEGER dimsizes(rank) - dimensions of the SDS C: int DFSDsetdims(rank, dimsizes) int rank; /* number of dimensions*/ int32 dimsizes[]; /* dimensions of the SDS */ Purpose: To set the rank and dimension sizes for subsequent scientific datasets that are written to the file. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. This routine must be called before calling any other set routines, except DFSDsetNT. DFSDsetdims need not be called if other set routines are not called and the correct dimensions are supplied in DFSDputdata or DFSDadddata. If rank or dimension sizes change, all previous set calls are cleared. Examples of the use of DFSDsetdims can be found in connection with other "set" routines described below. DFSDclear FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsclear() C: int DFSDclear() Purpose: To cause all possible 'set' values to be cleared. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. After a call to DFSDclear, numbertype, rank, dimensions and other values that were set by the "set" calls will not be written unless they have been set again. DFSDsetdimstrs FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssdist(dim, label, unit, format) INTEGER dim - dimension this label, unit and format refer to CHARACTER*(*) label - label that describes this dimension CHARACTER*(*) unit - unit to be used with this dimension CHARACTER*(*) format - format to be used in displaying scale for this dimension C: int DFSDsetdimstrs(dim, label, unit, format) int dim; /* dimension this label, unit and format refer to*/ char *label; /* label that describes this dimension*/ char *unit; /* unit to be used with this dimension*/ char *format; /* format to be used to display scale */ Purpose: To set the items corresponding to dimension dim that are to be stored as strings in the SDS, namely label, unit, and format. Returns: 0 on success data) char *filename; /* name of file to store SDS in */ int rank; /* number of dimensions of data array to be stored */ int32 dimsizes[]; /* array that holds sizes of dimensions */ *data; /* array holding data to be stored */ Purpose: DFSDputdata does the same thing that DFSDadddata does, except that it overwrites the previous contents of the file, whereas DFSDadddata appends the scientific dataset to the file. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. NOTE: DFSDputdata destroys whatever was in the HDF file before it was called. Use it with caution. The "Set" Routines: Preparing to Write an SDS DFSDsetNT FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssnt(numbertype) INTEGER*4 numbertype - number type of data to be written C: int DFSDsetNT(numbertype) int32 numbertype; /* number type of data to be written*/ Purpose: To set the number type to be used for data to be written out by the next DFSDadddata or DFSDputdata.. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. DFSDsetNT must be called if a number type other than float32 is to be stored. DFSDsetNT and DFSDsetdims can be called in any order, but they should be called before any other "DFSDset" functions and before DFSDputdata or DFSDadddata. Valid parameter values for DFSDsetNT (e.g. DFNT_INT8) are of the general form "DFNT_", all capital letters. The following table gives the number types currently supported. If you include the file hdf.h in your program, you can use the symbolic names of the number types. Number types that are available in only the C-interface are marked with and asterisk (*). symbolic type name value 32-bit float DFNT_FLOAT32 5 64-bit float DFNT_FLOAT64 6 8-bit signed integer DFNT_INT8 20 8-bit unsigned integer* DFNT_UINT8 21 16-bit signed integer DFNT_INT16 22 16-bit unsigned integer*DFNT_UINT16 23 32-bit signed integer DFNT_INT32 24 32-bit unsigned integer*DFNT_UINT32 25 For other information how HDF stored numbers, see the section "How HDF Stores Numbers in SDSs" elsewhere. Example. Assuming that DFNT_INT8 has been defined and i8data is an array with 8-bit integer data, the following code fragments write out 8-bit integers to an SDS. FORTRAN: iret = dssnt(DFNT_INT8) iret = dsadata('myfile.hdf', rank, dims, i8data) C: DFSDsetNT(DFNT_INT8); DFSDadddata("myfile.hdf", rank, dims, i8data); DFSDsetdims FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssdims(rank, dimsizes) INTEGER rank - number of dimensions INTEGER dimsizes(rank) - dimensions of the SDS C: int DFSDsetdims(rank, dimsizes) int rank; /* number of dimensions*/ int32 dimsizes[]; /* dimensions of the SDS */ Purpose: To set the rank and dimension sizes for subsequent scientific datasets that are written to the file. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. This routine must be called before calling any other set routines, except DFSDsetNT. DFSDsetdims need not be called if other set routines are not called and the correct dimensions are supplied in DFSDputdata or DFSDadddata. If rank or dimension sizes change, all previous set calls are cleared. Examples of the use of DFSDsetdims can be found in connection with other "set" routines described below. DFSDclear FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsclear() C: int DFSDclear() Purpose: To cause all possible 'set' values to be cleared. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. After a call to DFSDclear, numbertype, rank, dimensions and other values that were set by the "set" calls will not be written unless they have been set again. DFSDsetdimstrs FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssdist(dim, label, unit, format) INTEGER dim - dimension this label, unit and format refer to CHARACTER*(*) label - label that describes this dimension CHARACTER*(*) unit - unit to be used with this dimension CHARACTER*(*) format - format to be used in displaying scale for this dimension C: int DFSDsetdimstrs(dim, label, unit, format) int dim; /* dimension this label, unit and format refer to*/ char *label; /* label that describes this dimension*/ char *unit; /* unit to be used with this dimension*/ char *format; /* format to be used to display scale */ Purpose: To set the items corresponding to dimension dim that are to be stored as strings in the SDS, namely label, unit, and format. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Note: In both C and Fortran programs, dim=1 for the first dimension; dim=2, for the second dimension, and so forth. Example: Writing a Scientific Dataset with Dimension Information. In this example a 200x300 data array is written to a file called 'myfile.hdf', together with label, unit, and format information about each dimension. FORTRAN: INTEGER dssdims, dssdist, dsadata REAL press1(300,200) INTEGER dims(2), ret ... dims(1) = 300 dims(2) = 200 ret = dssdims(2, dims) ret = dssdist(1,'position','cm','F10.2') ret = dssdist(2,'height','m','F10.3') ret = dsadata('myfile.hdf', 2, dims, press1) ... C: float32 press1[200][300]; int dims[2]; ... dims[0] = 200; dims[1] = 300; DFSDsetdims(2, dims); DFSDsetdimstrs(1,"height", "m", "F10.3"); DFSDsetdimstrs(2,"position", "cm", "F10.2"); DFSDadddata("myfile.hdf", 2, dims, press1); DFSDsetdimscale FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssdisc(dim, dimsize, scale) INTEGER dim - dimension this scale goes with INTEGER dimsize - size of scale scale(dimsize) - the scale C: int DFSDsetdimscale(dim, dimsize, scale) int dim; /* dimension this scale corresponds to */ int32 dimsize; /* size of scale */ void *scale; /* the scale */ Purpose: To set the scale corresponding to dimension dim by taking it from the array scale. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. A scale is a 1D array whose values describe reference points along one of the dimensions of the SDS data. For example, a 2D SDS representing points on a map could have two scales, one representing points of latitude, and the other points of longitude.. Note: In both C and Fortran programs, dim=1 for the first dimension; dim=2, for the second dimension, and so forth. Example: Writing a Scientific Dataset with Dimension Scales. In this example a 200 x 300 data array is written to a file called 'myfile.hdf', together with scales for each dimension. It is assumed that the arrays xscale and yscale have been assigned values that define the corresponding scales. FORTRAN: INTEGER dssdims, dssdisc, dsadata REAL press1(300,200) INTEGER dims(2), ret REAL latscale(200), lngscale(300) ... dims(1) = 300 dims(2) = 200 ret = dssdims(2, dims) ret = dssdisc(1, dims(1), lngscale) ret = dssdisc(2, dims(2), latscale) ret = dsadata('myfile.hdf', 2, dims, press1) ... C: float32 press1[200][300]; float32 latscale[200], lngscale[300]; int dims[2]; ... dims[0] = 200; dims[1] = 300; DFSDsetdims(2, dims); DFSDsetdimscale(1, dims[0], latscale); DFSDsetdimscale(2, dims[1], lngscale); DFSDadddata("myfile.hdf", 2, dims, press1); ... DFSDsetdatastrs FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssdast(label,unit,format,coordsys) CHARACTER*(*) label - label that describes the data CHARACTER*(*) unit - unit to be used with the data CHARACTER*(*) format - format to be used in displaying data CHARACTER*(*) coordsys - coordinate system C: int DFSDsetdatastrs(label, unit, format, coordsys) char *label; /* label that describes the data */ char *unit; /* unit to be used with the data */ char *format; /* format to be used in displaying the data */ char *coordsys; /* coordinate system */ Purpose: To set the items corresponding to the data that are to be stored as strings in the SDS, namely label, unit, format, and coordsys (coordinate system). Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Note: HDF writes strings to an HDF file with a terminator appended at the end. The number of bytes in the HDF file is 1 byte more than the number of ASCII characters in the string. Example: Writing a Scientific Dataset with Data Information. In this example a 200 x 300 data array is written to a file called 'myfile.hdf', together with label, unit, and format information about the data. In this example we assume that the coordsys parameter is of no interest to the user, so the empty string (' ') is given as the fourth argument to DFSDsetdatastrs. FORTRAN: INTEGER dssdims, dssdast, dsadata REAL press1(300,200) INTEGER dims(2), ret ... dims(1) = 300 dims(2) = 200 ret = dssdims(2, dims) ret = dssdast('pressure 1','Pascals','E15.9','') ret = dsadata('myfile.hdf', 2, dims, press1) ... C: float32 press1[200][300]; int dims[2]; ... dims[0] = 200; dims[1] = 300; DFSDsetdims(2, dims); DFSDsetdatastrs("pressure 1","Pascals","E15.9",""); DFSDadddata("myfile.hdf", 2, dims, press1); ... DFSDsetlengths FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsslens(maxlen_label, maxlen_unit,maxlen_format, maxlen_coordsys) INTEGER maxlen_label - max length of any label INTEGER maxlen_unit - max length of any unit INTEGER maxlen_format - max length of any format INTEGER maxlen_coordsys - max length of any coordsys C: int DFSDsetlengths(maxlen_label, maxlen_unit,maxlen_format, maxlen_coordsys) int maxlen_label; /* max length of any label*/ int maxlen_unit; /* max length of any unit*/ int maxlen_format; /* max length of any format*/ int maxlen_coordsys; /* max length of any coordsys */ Purpose: To set, optionally, the maximum lengths for the strings that will hold labels, units, formats, and the name of the coordinate system. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. These lengths are used by the routines DFSDgetdimstrs and DFSDgetdatastrs to determine the maximum lengths of strings that they get from the file. Normally, DFSDsetlengths is not needed. If it is not called, default maximum lengths of 255 are used for all strings. DFSDsetrange1 FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssrang(max, min) max - high value in range min - low value in range C: int DFSDsetrange(pmax, pmin) void *pmax; /* pointer to the high value in range */ void *pmin; /* pointer to the low value in range */ Purpose: To set maximum and minimum data values. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Since the max/min values are supposed to relate to the data itself, it is assumed that the type of max/min is the same as the type of the data. Note that in the C version of DFSDsetrange the arguments are pointers, rather than simple variables, whereas in the FORTRAN version they are simple variables of the same type as the data array. This routine does not compute the maximum and minimum values. It merely stores the values it is given. NOTE: When the maximum and minimum values are written to a file, the HDF element that holds these values is cleared, because it is assumed that subsequent datasets will have different values for max and min. Example. In this example 16-bit data is written to an HDF file. Notice that max and min must be the same data type as the SDS array data. FORTRAN: integer*2 max, min, data(100,100) ... ret = dssdims(rank, dims) ret = dssrang(max, min) ret = dsadata('myfile.hdf', rank, dims, data) C: int16 max, min, data[100][100]; ... DFSDsetdims(rank, dims); DFSDsetrange((void *)&max, (void *)&min); DFSDadddata("myfile.hdf", rank, dims, data); DFSDsetcal FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsscal(cal, cal_err, ioff, ioff_err, cal_type) real*8 cal - calibration factor real*8 cal_err - calibration error (tolerance) real*8 ioff - uncalibrated offset real*8 ioff_err - uncalibrated offset error (tolerance) integer*4 cal_type - number type of uncalibrated data C: int DFSDsetcal(cal, cal_err, ioff, ioff_err, cal_type) float64 cal /* calibration factor */ float64 cal_err /* calibration error */ float64 ioff /* uncalibrated offset */ float64 ioff_err /* uncalibrated offset error */ int32 cal_type /* number type of uncalibrated data */ Purpose: To provide calibration information about the data in an SDS. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. This routine attaches to the SDS a record containing four 64-bit floating point values followed by a 32-bit integer, to be interpreted as follows: cal calibration factor cal_err calibration error ioff uncalibrated offset ioff_err uncalibrated offset error cal_type numbertype of uncalibrated data The relationship between a value 'iy' stored in an SDS and the actual value 'y' is defined as: y = cal * (iy - ioff) The variable ioff_err contains a potential error of ioff, and cal_err contains a potential error of cal. Currently the calibration record is provided for information only. The SDS interface performs no operations on the data based on the calibration tag. DFSDsetcal works like other SDS 'set' routines, with one exception: calibration information is automatically cleared after call to DFSDputdata or DFSDadddata. Hence, DFSDsetcal must be called anew for each data set that is to be written. Example. In the following example a 100x100 array of 16-bit integers is stored in an SDS, together with calibration information indicating that the values in the array are intended to be converted to 32-bit floats, and each value should be multiplied by 10.0 then added to 16.75. FORTRAN: integer dsadata, dssnt, dsscal integer DFNT_FLOAT32, DFNT_INT16 real*8 cal, cale, ioff, ioffe integer*4 ctype integer*2 i16(100,100) DFNT_INT16 = 22 DFNT_FLOAT32 = 5 ... cal = 10.0 cale = 0.0 ioff = 16.75 ioffe = 0.8 ctype = DFNT_FLOAT32 C C Write array and calibration information to file C ret = dssnt(DFNT_INT16) ret = dsscal(cal, cale, ioff, ioffe, ctype) ret = dsadata('of.hdf', rank, dims, i16) C: int16 i16[100][100]; float64 cal, cale, ioff, ioffe; int32 calNT; ... cal = 10.0; cale = 0.0; ioff = 16.75; ioffe = 0.8; calNT = DFNT_FLOAT32; ... DFSDsetNT(DFNT_INT16); DFSDsetcal(cal, cale, ioff, ioffe, calNT); DFSDputdata("myfile.hdf", rank, dims, i16); Writing Parts of an SDS The routines DFSDstartslice, DFSDputslice, and DFSDendslice let you write an SDS in pieces, or slices. A slice is a rectilinear subarray of elements that can be stored in an SDS. In the current implementation of HDF (HDF 3.2) you are restricted in the order in which you write slices to an SDS: slices must be written in such a way that each slice is physically contiguous in the file to the slice that was written before it. For example, suppose you wish to write a 7 x 12 SDS in a series of slices as illustrated in Figure 4.2. You would write the slices in order, as follows: * The first slice to be written begins at the origin, writing all elements from (1,1) to (2,12). * The second slice extends from (3,1) to (6,12). * The third slice covers only part of row 7, from (7,1) to (7,4). * The fourth slice covers the rest of row 7, filling out the array. Figure 4.2 A 7 x 12 SDS Divided into Slices of Varying Sizes Calling Sequence for the Slice-Writing Routines To store an array in slices, make calls to DFSDstartslice, DFSDputslice, and DFSDendslice in the following order: DFSDstartslice(filename) DFSDputslice(windims, data, dims) DFSDputslice(windims, data, dims) ... DFSDputslice(windims, data, dims) DFSDendslice() You must call DFSDstartslice before either of the other routines. Thereafter, DFSDputslice may be called many times to 4.2 A 7 x 12 SDS Divided into Slices of Varying Sizes Calling Sequence for the Slice-Writing Routines To store an array in slices, make calls to DFSDstartslice, DFSDputslice, and DFSDendslice in the following order: DFSDstartslice(filename) DFSDputslice(windims, data, dims) DFSDputslice(windims, data, dims) ... DFSDputslice(windims, data, dims) DFSDendslice() You must call DFSDstartslice before either of the other routines. Thereafter, DFSDputslice may be called many times to write several contiguous slices. DFSDendslice must be called to complete the write. Besides DFSDputslice, no other HDF routines may be called between the calls to DFSDstartslice and DFSDendslice. These three routines are discussed below in more detail. DFSDstartslice FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dssslc(filename) CHARACTER*(*) filename - name of HDF file C: int DFSDstartslice(filename) char *filename; /* name of HDF file */ Purpose: To prepare the system to write a slice to a file. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Before calling DFSDstartslice, you must call DFSDsetdims to specify the dimensions of the dataset to be written to the file. DFSDstartslice always appends a new dataset to an existing file. Remember, you must call DFSDstartslice before calling DFSDputslice or DFSDendslice. DFSDputslice FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dspslc(windims, source, dims) INTEGER windims(*) - dimensions of slice source(*) - array containing slice INTEGER dims(*) - dimensions of array source C: int DFSDputslice(windims, source, dims) int32 windims[]; /* dimensions of slice*/ *source; /* array for storing slice*/ int32 dims[]; /* dimensions of array source*/ Purpose: To write a slice to an SDS. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. DFSDputslice takes some part of an array in memory and stores it as part of the SDS array last specified by DFSDsetdims. Slices must be stored contiguously. Array windims ("window dimensions") specifies the size of the slice to be written. windims has as many elements as there are dimensions in the entire SDS array. source is the array in memory containing the slice. dims is an array containing the dimensions of the array source. Notice that windims and dims need not be the same. Windims could refer to a subarray of source, in which case only a portion of source is written to the SDS array. See this chapter's section "Restrictions on Slices To Be Written" for restrictions on what may constitute a slice. DFSDendslice FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dseslc() C: int DFSDendslice() Purpose: To specify that the entire dataset has been written. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. DFSDendslice must call after all the slices are written. It checks to ensure that the entire dataset has been written, and if it has not, returns an error code. Example: Writing Slices Suppose we want to create an 8x12 SDS array like the array in Fig. 4.3, and we want to write it using the slices shown in the figure. Suppose also that the arrays from which we get our data are 2x12 arrays in memory called source1, source2, source3 and source4. Fig. 4.4 contains sample C code to accomplish the write. Figure 4.3 Writing Slices from a four arrays to a 7x12 SDS. Figure 4.4 Writing Slices from a four arrays to a 7x12 SDS. /**************************************************** * * Example C code: Write out slices of different sizes * from a four 2 x 12 arrays to one 8 x 12 * SDS. * ****************************************************/ ... int rank; int SDSdims[2], sourcedims[2], windims[2]; float source1[2][12]; float source2[2][12]; float source3[2][12]; float source4[2][12]; /* code that builds the array source goes here */ ... SDSdims[0]=8; SDSdims[1]=12; sourcedims[0]=2; sourcedims[1]=12; DFSDsetdims(2,SDSdims); /* write out scientific data set in slices */ DFSDstartslice("myfile.hdf"); windims[0]=2; windims[1]=12; /* {(1,1) to (2,12)} */ DFSDputslice(windims, source1, sourcedims); windims[0]=2; windims[1]=12; /* {(3,1) to (4,12)} */ DFSDputslice(windims, source2, sourcedims); windims[0]=2; windims[1]=12; /* {(5,1) to (6,4)} */ DFSDputslice(windims, source3, sourcedims); windims[0]=2; windims[1]=12; /* {(7,1) to (8,12)} */ DFSDputslice(windims, source4, sourcedims); DFSDendslice(); ... Restrictions on Slices To Be Written It is important to recognize that you cannot write just any subarray from an SDS. The subarray must satisfy the restriction that when written to an SDS it must be written in a physically contiguous sequence in the file. This restriction must hold because the current implementation of HDF only allows data elements to be written in contiguous chunks. (Reading slices from SDSs is less restrictive.) For example, notice in the example in Figure 4.2 that the fourth slice extends from the middle of the row to the end. The array windims is {1,8}. The slice does not, and cannot, extend to the eighth row. For example, windims could not be {2,7}, for if it were, then there would have to be a gap between the places in the file where the two partial rows were stored, and this would violate the restriction that slices must be written in a physically contiguous chunk. So far we have assumed implicitly that the array is stored by row (row-major order), rather than by column. In C programs, SDS arrays are stored by row by default, but in FORTRAN programs, arrays are stored in column-major order. In that case, the roles of row and column are switched. If a slice starts in the middle of a column, then it may not spill over into the next column. As long as you write out data in chunks that encompass an entire dimension (a row or column at a time, a "slab" at a time, etc.), this restriction is unnecessary. It is when you have to write unequally-sized chunks that you have to worry about the restriction. For higher dimensional arrays, the same rule applies, although its implications may be more confusing. A more general statement of the restriction for higher dimensions can be described as follows: dimsizes = {n1, n2,, ...nrank} windims = {w1, w2, ...wi, ...wrank} startpos = {p1, p2, ...pi, ...prank} Case (a) Array elements are to be stored in row-major order (the default order; the last dimension varies fastest). If wi is the first element of windims that is greater than 1 but less than ni, then all previous elements of windims must be 1, and all succeeding elements of windims must be equal to their counterparts in dimsizes. That is, if there is an i such that 1i, wk=nk. In other words, in a multidimensional array with dimsizes={n1, n2, ... ni, ni+1, ...nrank} and 1i, wk=1. In other words, in a multidimensional array with dimsizes={n1, n2, ... ni, ni+1, ...nrank} and 1 data(*) - array for holding the data C: int DFSDgetdata(filename, rank, dimsizes, data) char *filename; /* name of file with SDS */ int rank; /* number of dimensions */ int32 dimsizes[]; /* array that holds dimensions of buffer that will hold the data */ data[]; /* array for holding the data */ Purpose: To get the dataset from the next SDS in the file and store it in the array data. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. If you do not know the values of rank or dimsizes, you must call DFSDgetdims (described below) to get them and then use them to provide the right amount of space for the array data. If you do not know the number type of the data in an SDS, you can call DFSDgetNT (described below) to find it out. Each new call to DFSDgetdata (or to DFSDgetdims and DFSDgetdata) reads from the SDS that succeeds the last one read. For example, if DFSDgetdata is called three times in succession, the third call reads data from the third SDS in the file. Of course, if you do not know the values of rank or dimsizes, you must call DFSDgetdims to get them and then use them to provide the right amount of space for the array data. If DFSDgetdims or DFSDgetdata is called and there are no more scientific datasets left in the file, an error code is returned and nothing is read. DFSDrestart (see below) can be used to override this convention. Example: Reading in an SDS. The following is code to read in an array whose dimensions are known to be 100x200, and whose number type is known to be int16 (16-bit integer). FORTRAN: INTEGER dsgdata INTEGER*2 density(200, 100) INTEGER sizes(2), ret sizes(1) = 200 sizes(2) = 100 ret = dsgdata('myfile.hdf', 2, sizes, density) ... C: unit16 density[100][200]; int32 sizes[2], ret; sizes[0] = 100; sizes[1] = 200; ret = DFSDgetdata("myfile.hdf", 2, sizes, density); ... Getting Other Information about an SDS DFSDgetNT FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgnt(numbertype) INTEGER*4 numbertype - number type of data in SDS C: int DFSDgetNT(pnumbertype) int32 *pnumbertype; /* number type of data in SDS */ Purpose: To get the number type of the current SDS. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Since DFSDgetNT gets the number type of the current data set, DFSDgetdims or DFSDgetdata should usually be called before calling DFSDgetNT. See the description of DFSDsetNT for a listing of the valid values for numbertype and their meanings. DFSDgetdims FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgdims(filename, rank, dimsizes, maxrank) CHARACTER*(*) filename - name of file with SDS INTEGER rank - number of dimensions INTEGER*4 dimsizes(maxrank) - array for holding dimensions of data set in the file INTEGER maxrank - size of array dimsizes C: int DFSDgetdims(filename, rank, dimsizes, maxrank) char *filename; /* name of file with SDS */ int *rank; /* number of dimensions */ int32 dimsizes[]; /* array for holding dimensions of data set in the file */ int maxrank; /* size of array dimsizes */ Purpose: To get the rank (number of dimensions) of the dataset and the dimsizes of each dimension in the next SDS in the file. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. The input argument maxrank tells DFSDgetdims the size of the array that is allocated for storing the array of dimension sizes. The value of rank cannot exceed the value of maxrank. The allocation of space for reading in the SDS should correspond to the values read in by DFSDgetdims. DFSDgetdimstrs FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgdist(dim, label, unit, format) INTEGER dim - dimension this label, unit and format refer to CHARACTER*(*) label - label that describes this dimension CHARACTER*(*) unit - unit to be used with this dimension CHARACTER*(*) format - format to be used in displaying scale for this dimension C: int DFSDgetdimstrs(dim, label, unit, format) int dim; /* dimension this label, unit and format refer to */ char *label; /* label that describes this dimension */ char *unit; /* unit to be used with this dimension */ char *format; /* format to be used in displaying scale for this dimension */ Purpose: To get the items corresponding to the dimension dim that are stored as strings in the SDS, namely label, unit, and format. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Note: dim=1 for the first dimension, dim=2 for the 2nd dimension, and so forth. The space allocated for label, unit and format should be at least 1 byte bigger than the length of the string. If the length is unknown when the program is written, one may declare the array size as 1+maxlen_label, _unit, or _format which were set by DFSDsetlengths. The default maxlength for those strings is 255. Example: Reading an SDS with dimension information. In this example a float32 array of size 800x500 is read from an HDF file, together with label, unit, and format information about each dimension. FORTRAN: INTEGER dsgdims, dsgdata, dsgdist INTEGER rank, dimsizes(2), ret CHARACTER*256 lnglabel, lngunit, lngfmt CHARACTER*256 latlabel, latunit, latfmt REAL*4 pressure(500,800) ret = dsgdims('myfile.hdf', rank, dimsizes, 2) ret = dsgdist(1, lnglabel, lngunit, lngfmt) ret = dsgdist(2, latlabel, latunit, latfmt) ret = dsgdata('myfile.hdf', rank, dimsizes, pressure) ... C: int rank; int32 dimsizes[2]; char lnglabel[256], lngunit[256], lngfmt[256], latlabel[256], latunit[256], latfmt[256]; float32 pressure[800][500]; DFSDgetdims("myfile.hdf", &rank, dimsizes, 2); DFSDgetdimstrs(1, latlabel, latunit, latfmt); DFSDgetdimstrs(2, lnglabel, lngunit, lngfmt); DFSDgetdata("myfile.hdf", rank, dimsizes, pressure); ... DFSDgetdimscale FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgdist(dim, size, scale) INTEGER dim - dimension this scale corresponds to INTEGER size - size of scale REAL scale(size) - the scale C: int DFSDgetdimscale(dim, size, scale) int dim; /* dimension this scale corresponds to */ int32 size; /* size of scale */ float32 scale[]; /* the scale */ Purpose: To get the scale corresponding to the dimension dim and store it in the floating-point array scale. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Note: dim=1 for the first dimension. In the current implementation of HDF, dimension scales must be of the same number type as the corresponding data. (There are plans to allow scales to have their own number type in a future release.) Example: Reading an SDS with dimension scales. In this example a 800 x 500 data array is read from 'myfile.hdf', together with scales for each dimension. The scales are assumed to be of type float32. FORTRAN: INTEGER dsgdims, dsgdisc INTEGER rank, dimsizes(2), ret REAL lngscale(500), latscale(800) REAL*4 pressure(500,800) ret = dsgdims('myfile.hdf', rank, dimsizes, 2) ret = dsgdisc(1, dimsizes(1), lngscale) ret = dsgdisc(2, dimsizes(2), latscale) ret = dsgdata('myfile.hdf', rank, dimsizes, pressure) ... C: int rank; int32 dimsizes[2]; float32 latscale[800], lngscale[500]; float32 pressure[800][500]; DFSDgetdims("myfile.hdf", &rank, dimsizes, 2); DFSDgetdimscale(1, dimsizes[0], latscale); DFSDgetdimscale(2, dimsizes[1], lngscale); DFSDgetdata("myfile.hdf", rank, dimsizes, pressure); ... DFSDgetdatastrs FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgdast(label, unit, format, coordsys) CHARACTER*(*) label - label that Describes the data CHARACTER*(*) unit - unit to be used with the data CHARACTER*(*) format - format to be used in displaying data CHARACTER*(*) coordsys - coordinate system C: int DFSDgetdatastrs(label, unit, format, coordsys) char *label; /* label that describes the data */ char *unit; /* unit to be used with the data */ char *format; /* format to be used in displaying data */ char *coordsys; /* coordinate system */ Purpose: To get information about the data itself from all strings. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. The parameter coordsys gives the coordinate system that is to be used for interpreting the dimension information. The space allocated for label, unit and format should be at least 1 byte bigger than the length of the string. If the length is unknown when the program is written, one may declare the array size as 1+maxlen_label, _unit, or _format which were set by DFSDsetlengths. The default maxlength for those strings is 255. Example: Reading a Scientific Dataset with Data Information. In this example a 800 x 500 data array is read from a n HDF, together with label, unit, and format information about the data. FORTRAN: INTEGER dsgdims, dsgdata, dsgdast INTEGER rank, dimsizes(2), ret CHARACTER*256 datalabel, dataunit, datafmt, coordsys REAL pressure(500,800), density(500,800) dimsizes(1) = 500 dimsizes(2) = 800 ret = dsgdims('myfile.hdf', rank, dimsizes, 2) ret = dsgdata('myfile.hdf', rank, dimsizes, pressure) ret = dsgdast(datalabel, dataunit, datafmt, coordsys) ... C: int rank; int32 dimsizes[2]; char datalabel[256], dataunit[256], datafmt[256], coordsys[256]; float32 pressure[800][500]; dimsizes[0] = 800; dimsizes[1] = 500; DFSDgetdims("myfile.hdf", &rank, dimsizes, 2); DFSDgetdata("myfile.hdf", rank, dimsizes, pressure); DFSDgetdatastrs(datalabel, dataunit, datafmt, coordsys); ... DFSDgetrange FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgrang(max, min) max - high value stored with SDS min - low value stored with SDS C: int DFSDgetrange(pmax, pmin) *pmax; /* high value stored with SDS */ *pmin; /* low value stored with SDS */ Purpose: To get maximum and minimum values stored with the current SDS . DFSDgetdims or DFSDgetdata should be called before DFSDgetrange is called. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure or if there are no max or min values. Since the max/min values are supposed to relate to the data itself, it is assumed that the type of max/min is the same as the type of the data. One implication of this is that in the C version of DFSDgetrange the arguments are pointers, rather than simple variables, whereas in the FORTRAN version they are simple variables of the same type as the data array. NOTE: These values need to have been set by a user via a call to DFSDsetrange. They are not automatically stored. Example. In this example 16-bit data is read from an HDF file. Notice that max and min must be the same data type as the SDS array data. FORTRAN: integer*2 max, min, data(100,100) ... ret = dsgdata('myfile.hdf', rank, dims, data) ret = dsgrang(max, min) C: int16 max, min, data[100][100]; ... DFSDgetdata("myfile.hdf", rank, dims, data); DFSDgetrange(&max, &min); DFSDgetcal FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgcal(cal, cal_err, ioff, ioff_err, cal_type) real*8 cal - calibration factor real*8 cal_err - calibration error real*8 ioff - uncalibrated offset real*8 ioff_err - uncalibrated offset error integer*4 cal_type - number type of uncalibrated data C: int DFSDgetcal(cal, cal_err, ioff, ioff_err, cal_type) float64 *cal /* calibration factor */ float64 *cal_err /* calibration error */ float64 *ioff /* uncalibrated offset */ float64 *ioff_err /* uncalibrated offset error */ int32 *cal_type /* number type of uncalibrated data */ Purpose: To get calibration information about the data in the current SDS. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. This routine reads the calibration record, if there is one, attached to an SDS. A calibration record contains four 64-bit floating point values followed by a 32-bit integer, to be interpreted as follows: cal calibration factor cal_err calibration error ioff uncalibrated offset ioff_err uncalibrated offset error cal_type numbertype of uncalibrated data The relationship between a value 'iy' stored in an SDS and the actual value 'y' is defined as: y = cal * (iy - ioff) The variable ioff_err contains a potential error of ioff, and cal_err contains a potential error of cal. Currently the calibration record is provided for information only. The SDS interface performs no operations on the data based on the calibration tag. DFSDreadref FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsrref(name, ref) character*(*) name - name of file containing SDS integer ref - reference number for next dsgdata C: int DFSDreadref(filename, ref) char *filename; /* file containing SDS */ uint16 ref; /* reference number for next DFSDgetdata */ Purpose: To specify the reference number of the SDS to be read when DFSDgetdims or DFSDgetdata is next called. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. This routine is most likely to be used in conjunction with DFANgetlablist, which returns a list of labels for a given tag together with their reference numbers. It provides a sort of random access to SDSs. NOTE: There is no guarantee that reference numbers appear in sequence in an HDF file, so it is not generally safe to assume that a reference number is a sequence number for an SDS. DFSDrestart FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsfirst() C: int DFSDrestart() Purpose: To cause the next get to read from the first SDS in the file, rather than the SDS following the one that was most recently read. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. Example: Reading Two SDSs from a File. In this example, two SDSs having the same dimension and other information, except the values of the data arrays, are read from a file. The interface remembers from the first call to the second that one SDS has already been accessed, so on the second call it gets the second SDS. FORTRAN: INTEGER dsgdims, dsgdata, dsgdast INTEGER rank, dimsizes(2), ret CHARACTER*256 datalabel, dataunit, datafmt, coordsys REAL pressure(300,200), density(300,200) ret = dsgdata('myfile.hdf', rank, dimsizes, pressure) ret = dsgdast(datalabel, dataunit, datafmt, coordsys) ret = dsgdata('myfile.hdf', 2, dimsizes, density) ret = dsgdast(datalabel, dataunit, datafmt,coordsys) ... C: int rank; int32 dimsizes[2]; char datalabel[256], dataunit[256], datafmt[256], coordsys[256]; float32 pressure[200][300], density[200][300]; DFSDgetdata("myfile.hdf", rank, dimsizes, pressure); DFSDgetdatastrs(datalabel, dataunit, datafmt, coordsys); DFSDgetdata("myfile.hdf", 2, dimsizes, density); DFSDgetdatastrs(datalabel, dataunit, datafmt, coordsys); ... Reading Parts of an SDS The routine DFSDgetslice lets you read in a slice from the current SDS. A slice is any subarray, or "hypercube", of the SDS from which it is read. (Slices do not have to be read in contiguous order, so the rules for reading slices are more general than they are for writing slices.) A slice can be described with two one-dimensional arrays, one containing the coordinates of the corner that is nearest to the origin and the other containing the sizes of the slices dimensions. For example, suppose you wish to read the shaded slices from the 10 x 12 SDS shown in Figure 4.5. The relevant corner of the first slice is {3,4} and its dimensions are {4,6}. The second slice begins at {1,10} and has dimensions {10,2}. Figure 4.5 A 10 x 12 SDS Showing Two Slices That Are To Be Read. DFSDgetslice FORTRAN: INTEGER FUNCTION dsgslc(filename, winst, windims, dest, dims) CHARACTER*(*) filename - name of HDF file INTEGER winst - array with coordinates of start of slice INTEGER windims - array with dimensions of slice dest(*) - array for returning slice INTEGER dims - dimensions of array dest C: int DFSDgetslice(filename, winst, windims, dest, dims) char *filename - name of HDF file int32 winst[] - array with coordinates of start of slice int32 windims[] - array with dimensions of slice *dest - array for returning slice int32 dims - dimensions of array dest Purpose: To read part of an SDS from a file. Returns: 0 on success; -1 on failure. DFSDgetslice accesses the dataset last accessed by DFSDgetdims. If DFSDgetdims has not been called, DFSDgetslice gets a slice from the next dataset in the file. Array winst specifies the coordinates of the start of the slice. Array windims gives the size of the slice. The number of elements in winst and windims must be equal to the rank of the dataset. For example, if the file contains a 3D dataset, winst may contain the values {2, 4, 3}, while windims contains the values {3, 1, 4}. This will extract a 3 x 4, two-dimensional slice, containing the elements between (2, 4, 3) and (4, 4, 6) from the original dataset. dest is the array into which the slice is read. It must be at least as big as the desired slice. dims is an array containing the actual dimensions of the array dest. The user assigns values to dims before calling DFSDgetslice. NOTE: In both C and Fortran the minimum value of winst[i] is 1. For example, if the 3D slice starts at the origin, winst has values {1,1,1} instead of {0,0,0} Example: Reading Slices The C code in Figure 4.6 shows how you could read the two slices shown in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.6 Reading Slices from a 10x12 SDS in Reverse Order /***************************************************** * Example C code: Read in slices from a 10 x 12 array. *****************************************************/ #include "hdf.h" main() { int i, rank; int32 dimsizes[2]; DFSDgetdims("myfile.hdf", &rank, dimsizes, 2); /* starting at (3,4) read 4 x 6 window */ /* Note: (3,4) rather than (2,3) because */ /* FORTRAN-style indexing is used. */ getit("myfile.hdf", 3,4,4,6); /* starting at (1,10) read 8 x 2 window */ getit("myfile.hdf", 1,10,8,2); } getit(filename, st0, st1, rows, cols) int st0, st1, rows, cols; char *filename; { int i, j; int32 winst[2], windims[2], dims[2]; float32 data[500]; winst[0]=st0; winst[1]=st1; dims[0] = windims[0] = rows; dims[1] = windims[1] = cols; DFSDgetslice(filename, winst, windims, data,dims); for (i=0; i #define MAX_ROW 18 #define MAX_COL 36 #define SIZE_ARRAY (MAX_ROW * MAX_COL) main() { int ret, i, j; int rank, inRank; int32 shape[2], inShape[2]; float32 pressure[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL], latscales[MAX_ROW], lngscales[MAX_COL], inPressure[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL], inlatscales[MAX_ROW], inlngscales[MAX_COL], maxpressure, inMaxpressure, minpressure, inMinpressure, epsi; char *datalabel, *dataunit, *datafmt, inDatalabel[256], inDataunit[256], inDatafmt[256], *dimlabels[2], *dimunits[2], *dimfmts[2], inDimlabels[2][256], inDimunits[2][256], inDimfmts[2][256], inDummy[256]; epsi = 0.0001; rank = 2; shape[0] = MAX_ROW; shape[1] = MAX_COL; datalabel = "Pressure 1"; dataunit = "Pascals"; datafmt = "E15.9"; dimlabels[0] = "latitude_label"; dimlabels[1] = "longitude_label"; dimunits[0] = "km"; dimunits[1] = "km"; dimfmts[0] = "F10.2"; dimfmts[1] = "F10.2"; /* getpressure(pressure, SIZE_ARRAY); findMaxMin(pressure, SIZE_ARRAY, &maxpressure, &minpressure); */ for (i=0;i epsi) printf("Array position %d, %d is different\n", i, j); printf(" ITEM OUTPUT INPUT\n"); printf(" rank %-15d%d\n", rank, inRank); printf(" shape[0] %-15d%d\n", shape[0], inShape[0]); printf(" shape[1] %-15d%d\n", shape[1], inShape[1]); printf(" datalabel %-15s%s\n", datalabel, inDatalabel); printf(" dataunit %-15s%s\n", dataunit, inDataunit); printf(" datafmt %-15s%s\n", datafmt, inDatafmt); printf(" dimlabels[0] %-15s%s\n", dimlabels[0], inDimlabels[0]); printf(" dimunits[0] %-15s%s\n", dimunits[0],inDimunits[0]); printf(" dimfmts[0] %-15s%s\n", dimfmts[0], inDimfmts[0]); printf(" dimlabels[1] %-15s%s\n", dimlabels[1], inDimlabels[1]); printf(" dimunits[1] %-15s%s\n", dimunits[1],inDimunits[1]); printf(" dimfmts[1] %-15s%s\n", dimfmts[1], inDimfmts[1]); printf(" maxpressure %-15f%f\n", maxpressure,inMaxpressure); printf(" minpressure %-15f%f\n", minpressure,inMinpressure); for(i=0;i epsi) printf("latscales is different at position %d\n", i); for(i=0;i epsi) printf("lngscales is different at position %d\n", i); printf("Check Completed\n\n"); } 1The obsolete routines DFSDsetmaxmin and DFSDgetmaxmin assumed that all numbers were floating point. Now that the maximum and minimum values can be of different number types, it is necessary to redefine the parameters in the C versions of the routines from 'floats' to pointers. To avoid confusion, and possible undetected errors, these routines have been replaced by DFSDsetrange and DFSDgetrange.