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<i> tag
If-Match header : If-Match
If-Modified-Since header : If-Modified-Since
If-None-Match header : If-None-Match
If-Range header : If-Range
If-Unmodified-Since header : If-Unmodified-Since
<iframe> tag
Frame Border Attributes
Internet Explorer HTML Exclusives
Image( ) : Image Object
Image object : Image Object
image/ media types : Media Types and Subtypes
images : <img>
<input type=image>
Custom buttons
images[ ] property
Image Object
<img> tag : <img>
include directive (SSI) : include
Includes (see SSI)
index property : Properties
indexOf( ) : Methods
infinity constants : Constants
information HTTP status codes : Informational
<input> tag
<input type=checkbox>
The <input> Tag
HTML syntax
HTML syntax
HTML syntax
HTML syntax
HTML syntax
JavaScript and
HTML syntax
HTML syntax
HTML syntax
input/output, Perl operations for : Input/Output
interactive applications (see CGI)
Internet Explorer : Internet Explorer HTML Exclusives
Inter_Main( ) routine : The Main( ) Routine
<isindex> tag : <isindex>
ismap attribute, <img> : Attributes
isNan( ) : isNaN( ) Function
ISO character set : Character Entities
italics : <i>
italics( ) : Methods

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