Help on Standard Format

The Advanced Missile Signature Center Standard File Format

Version 2.0

Amended 1995 November 3


The Advanced Missile Signature Center (AMSC) standard archive format (SAF) was created for flexible and extensible use in data archiving. Although the data may be ascii or one of several binary formats, the file header is plain ascii text and therefore human readable.

The "magic number" for identifying SAF files is the case-insensitive string: "HdSize ". Therefore, no naming conventions are required, and computer programs can easily identify the the file format.

Both image and non-image data may be stored in the AMSC standard archive format. The type of data is identified by information stored in the header.

Header Format

The standard header is ASCII text consisting of tags, or field identifiers, followed by data fields. The number of tags used in any particular header is variable dependent on the available purtenant information. Additional header information can be added when required with an associated increase in header size. Tags and associated data fields may be listed in any order, except for the HdSize tag which is listed first and identifies the file as a Standard Archive Format file.

Each tag consist of several characters, followed by a space. The tag names and values are case insensitive. Data display and analysis programs can search the header for standard tags and treat the data appropriately.

    Header Item       Advanced Missile Signature Center Requirements
    Line Termination  LF or CR/LF.  HdSize byte count must include
                      the CR and LF characters.
    HdSize            Exact number of header bytes, or the word "auto".
                      If "auto" is used, then the last tag in the header
		      must be "data".  
    Tag Names         All standard tags are six characters or less.  User
                      defined tags may be from one to 29 characters.
    Data Fields       Variable length with ascii text.  Leading and trailing
                      spaces are ignored.  Different parameters may have
		      values which are text, integers, or floating point
    NumDPs            Number of points per parameter in a POD file.  If the
                      value is "auto", the value will be determined from the
		      size of the file for binary data, of from the number of
		      line feeds for ascii data.
    PnSize            Existence indicator of parameter names in POD files.
                      A non-zero value indicates that the first line following
		      the header consists of parameter names.  Each name must
		      be less than 64 characters long.  Embedded spaces are
		      permitted if the name is enclosed in quotes.  This tag
		      may be left out of the header if the value is zero.
    PuSize            Existence indicator of parameter units in POD files.
                      A non-zero value indicates that the first line following
		      the (possibly) parameter names is a line of unit names.
		      Each unit name must be less than 64 characters long.
		      Embedded spaces are permitted if the name is enclosed
		      in quotes.  This tag may be left out of the header if
		      the value is zero.
    PcSize            Existence indicator of parameter classifications in POD
                      files.  A non-zero value indicates that the first line
		      following the (possibly) parameter units is a line of
		      individual unit classifications.  Each classification
		      must be less than 32 characters long.  Embedded spaces
		      are permitted if the classification is enclosed in quotes.
		      This tag may be left out of the header if the value is zero.

Table I lists generic tags for including information common to all instrument types. Table II lists additional fields commonly used with image data. Table III gives tags for ordered pair (XY) type data, and Table IV adds tags for active sources. Several tags are mandatory, depending upon type of data in the file. Tags should be selected which provide the User with sufficient information to read, understand, and evaluate the data file.

File Names

Data archived at the AMSC will generally have the the ".saf" extension for image files and ".pod" extension for Parameter Oriented Data (POD) files.

Image Files

All image files are preceded by the standard header as described above. The header tag KeyWrd is used to identify the file as one of three types:

  IMG  -> the data consists of intensity values.
  CMAP -> the data consists of a color map and indices into the color map.
  PAV  -> the data consists of ordered triplets: x, y, and value.

IMG Image Files

Rectangular image arrays have IMG as the KeyWrd value. Following the header is the two dimensional image data, consisting of an array of XPixls columns by Ypixls rows, stored in row major order (row one, followed by row two, followed by row three, etc.). If the file contains more than one field, the image is assumed to be interlaced. Following the image array is possibly a footer containing background information for Col or Row type background subtraction (Note 1). These data consist of an array of single precision floating point numbers, and this array can be present even if another background subtraction scheme is used (Note 2). The number of elements in this background array is XPixls for Col background subtraction and YPixls for Row background subtraction. The data units are specified by StdUnt (Note 21) for standard units, or by DaUnit for other values.

CMAP Image Files

Color mapped image files have CMAP as the KeyWrd value. Following the standard header are 768 bytes of the color map, with 256 bytes each for red, green, and blue, respectively. Following the color map are the image data. The value of each pixel in the image is a zero-referenced subscript to a color in the color map.

PAV Image Files

Position and Value image files have PAV as the KeyWrd value. The data consists of ordered triplets of position in x and y followed by the amplitude. The image reader code will interpolate the data to generate a rectangular array of the size given by the XPixls and YPixls tags. The image boundary points may be specified by using the BndXX tags to specify the clockwise sequence of boundary points. The origin is at the upper left hand corner of the image, with x increasing to the right and y increasing downward. If any boundary points are specified, then there must be at least three of them, in which case a triangular area would be generated.

XY Data Files

Ordered pair data (Radiance vs wavelength, pressure vs time, In-band radiance vs axial distance, etc.) are preceded by the standard header. The two column ordered array is then listed in an xy format. One or more blank spaces separate the values in each row. Parameter names are specified by XParam and YParam. Data units for x and y are specified by XDaUnt and DaUnit.

An alternate form of an xy data file can be used (if desired) when the x values are equally spaced in time, wavelength, position, etc. For this form, only the y values are stored, with the x values calculated using additional parameter tags (XYFRST, XYLAST, NumDPs).

Active Source Files

Active source tags are added to headers for images as appropriate to describe both the active source and detector used in acquiring data.

Parameter Oriented Data (POD) File Format

An additional archive file format is defined for multiple parameters to be stored in the same file, such as time history data. Examples of such data are time, target position, velocity, and aspect angle, or time, motor chamber pressure, turbine speed, and case temperature, etc.

The POD file format has a standard header, an optional line of parameter names, an optional line of parameter units, an optional line of parameter classifications, followed by the data. The data may be arranged in columns (handy for human viewing), or in rows (quicker computer access). Five tags are also required to define the number of parameters in the file and the space required for parameter names, units, and security classifications. Additional information on the POD data file format is included below.

          A.    Header  Information - The header  will  consist  of
	  standard SAF tags.  The tag KeyWrd with value POD must be
	  included.  The  tag  NParam  will indicate the  number of
	  parameters while the tag NumDPs will indicate the  number
	  of data points (values) per parameter.

          B.    Parameter Names - A single line of text may be used
	  for the parameter  names  of  the  data.   Spaces,  tabs,
	  commas, colons, semicolons, and vertical bars may be used
	  as delimiters between  parameter  names.  All  parameters
	  will have names not exceeding 63 characters.  Include the
	  PnSize tag with a positive value in the header to specify
	  the existence of the parameter names.  Any parameter name
	  which includes a delimiter must be enclosed in quotes.

          C.    Parameter Units - A single line of text may be used
	  for the parameter  units  of  the  data.   Spaces,  tabs,
	  commas, colons, semicolons, and vertical bars may be used
	  as delimiters between  parameter  units.  All  parameters
	  will have units not exceeding 63 characters.  Include the
	  PuSize tag with a positive value in the header to specify
	  the existence of the parameter units.  Any parameter unit
	  which includes a delimiter must be  enclosed  in  quotes.
          Use a pair of double quotes ("") as a space  holder for a
	  parameter which has no units.

          D.    Parameter Classification  - A single line  of  text
	  may be used  for  the  security  classification  of  each
	  parameter. The Class tag in the header should reflect the
	  classification  of the entire  file.  If this is the same
	  as for each parameter,  only  the Class tag need be used.
	  Otherwise, include  a classification  for each column and
	  include  the  PcSize  tag  with  a positive  value in the
	  header.  The maximum length of a classification string is
	  31 characters.   Any   classification  which  includes  a
	  delimiter must be enclosed in quotes.

          E.    Parameter  Values - The remainder of  the  pod file
	  contains the  parameter values.   The data type of  these
	  values  is defined  by the header tag DaType.  All values
	  will have the same data type.  If DaType is ASCII, then a
	  space, comma, tab, colon, semicolon, or vertical bar  may
	  be used  to separate parameter values.  Non-numeric  data
	  may only be stored in ASCII files.  Quotes may be used to
	  group sequences of characters.

Example:  HdSize Auto
          Class  Unclassified
          DaType ASCII
          Keywrd POD
          PcSize 0
          PuSize 1
          PnSize 1
          Nparam 6
          NumDPs 5
          sec. meters    meters/sec   degrees       ""      ""
          0.0    0.0       0.0          90.         1     "NIKA 2"
          1.0    10.0      1.0          89.         1     "NIKA 2"
          2.0    20.0      2.0          88.         1     "NIKA 2"
          3.0    30.0      3.0          87.         2      FTS
          4.0    40.0      4.0          86.         2      FTS
Table I Generic Tags

   Tag                  Description                               Type

   HdSize  Header Size (in bytes, or it may be AUTO)              Integer
   AqMode  Acquisition Mode (Note 10)                             Text
   AspAng  Aspect Angle (degrees)                                 Float
   BgFile  Background File (Notes 2,6)                            Text
   BgType  Background Type (Note 1)                               Text
   BgValu  Background Value (Average or Fixed) (Note 2)           Float
   BPFile  Bad Pixel File (Note 6)                                Text
   BytOrd  Byte Order (Note 3)                                    Text
   CaFile  Calibration File (Notes 2,6)                           Text
   ChTemp  High Temp of Cal Source (degrees C)                    Float
   Class   Classification                                         Text
   CIDay   Collection IRIG Day                                    Integer
   CIHour  Collection IRIG Hour                                   Integer
   CIMin   Collection IRIG Minute                                 Integer
   CISec   Collection IRIG Seconds                                Float
   ClTemp  Low Temp of Cal Source (degrees C)                     Float
   COMENT  Comment Line (Repeated as Required)                    Text
   CSFile  Calibration Source File (Note 6)                       Text
   Data    End of header
   DaType  Data Type (Note 4)                                     Text
   DaUnit  Data Units (Note 2)                                    Text
   DDOff   Data Distribution Office                               Text
   DiaFOV  Circular FOV (degrees)                                 Float
   DiStat  Distribution Statement                                 Text
   ElAng   Elevation Angle (deg)                                  Float
   EURAW   Processed Level of the Data EU/RAW/Flat-fielded (FF)   Text
   ExpID   AMSC Experiment ID#                                    Text
   Filter  Filter Name                                            Text
   Filtno  Filter Number                                          Integer
   FOVAxl  Chamber Test FOV Axial Location (meters) (Note 7)      Float
   FOVRdl  Chamber Test FOV Radial Location (meters) (Note 8)     Float
   HdVers  Header Version (= 2.0)                                 Text
   HorFOV  Horizontal FOV (degrees)                               Float
   IHFOV   Instantaneous Horizontal FOV (microradians)            Float
   Itime   Integration Time (seconds)                             Float
   IVFOV   Instantaneous Vertical FOV (microradians)              Float
   LinLog  Linear/Log Indicator (LIN/LOG/ASG) (Notes 2,5,16)      Text
   LODAng  Observer Line-of-Sight Angle wrt True North (CW is +)  Float
   LogASl  Log Amp Slope (Notes 5,16)                             Float
   LogOff  Log Offset (Notes 5,16)                                Float
   Mach    Mach Number                                            Float
   Mdate   Mission Date (MM/DD/YY)                                Text
   MeasUn  Measurement Uncertainty-Nominal (%)                    Float
   Miss    Mission                                                Text
   NCoads  Number of Coads                                        Integer
   NEQ     Noise Equivalent Quantity (Note 9)                     Float
   NodeNo  Node Number                                            Text
   Note01  Numbered Notes, valid from Note01 through Note99       Text
   OffCor  Offset Correction (Note 2)                             Float
   PPCNam  Platform AMSC Component Name                            Text
   RDFile  Raw Data File (Note 6)                                 Text
   RolAng  Roll Angle (degrees)                                   Float
   SBPLo   System Bandpass, Lower Wavelength (microns)            Float
   SBPUp   System Bandpass, Upper Wavelength (microns)            Float
   SclFac  Calibration or Scale Factor (Note 2)                   Float
   SDLevl  SDIO Data Level (Note 15)                              Text
   SecCol  Number of Seconds Collected                            Integer
   SLFile  Spectral Lamp File                                     Text
   SltRng  Slant Range (meters)                                   Float
   SnsAlt  Sensor Altitude (meters)                               Float
   SPCNam  Sensor AMSC Component Name                              Text
   Stage   Launch Vehicle Stage Number                            Float
   StdUnt  Standard Data Units Index (Note 21)                    Integer
   SUncLo  Independent Parameter Uncertainty Lower Limit          Float
   SUncUp  Independent Parameter Uncertainty  Upper Limit         Float
   TALO    TALO (seconds)                                         Float
   TAOA    Target Angle of Attack (degrees)                       Float
   Target  Target Name                                            Text
   TestNo  Test Number                                            Text
   TPCNam  Target PC Component Name                               Text
   TPFact  Transmission Path Factor (Note 2)                      Float
   TrgAlt  Target Altitude (meters)                               Float
   TrgHdg  Target  Heading with respect to True North (CW is pos) Float
   TrgTyp  Target Type (Liquid/Solid)                             Text
   TrgVel  Target Velocity (meters/second)                        Float
   TrlNum  Trial Number                                           Text
   TZDay   T-Zero Day                                             Integer
   TZHour  T-Zero Hour                                            Integer
   TZMin   T-Zero Minute                                          Integer
   TZSec   T-Zero Seconds                                         Float
   USRCON  User-Specified Parameters Header Filename (Note 17)    Text
   VrtFOV  Vertical FOV (degrees)                                 Float
   Warn01  Warning to the user, valid from 01 thru 99             Text
   XUncUn  Independent Parameter Uncertainty Units                Float
   YUncLo  Dependent Parameter Uncertainty Lower Limit            Float
   YUncLo  Dependent Parameter Uncertainty Upper Limit            Float
   YUncUn  Dependent Parameter Uncertainty Units                  Float
Table II Imager Tags

   Tag                  Description                               Type

   ACFile  Area Correction Factor File                            Text
   ADJFAC  Non-Linear Adjustment Factor                           Float
   ApSize  Aperture Size                                          Float
   BGBLLX  Lower Left  X for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   BGBLLY  Lower Left  Y for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   BGBLRX  Lower Right X for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   BGBLRY  Lower Right Y for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   BGBULX  Upper Left  X for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   BGBULY  Upper Left  Y for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   BGBURX  Upper Right X for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   BGBURY  Upper Right Y for Background Box (Note 2)              Integer
   Bnd01   Boundary Point for PAV files, valid from 01 thru 99    Integer
   Bx1Int  Box 1 Integral Value                                   Float
   Bx1LLX  Box 1 Lower Left X                                     Integer
   Bx1LLY  Box 1 Lower Left Y                                     Integer
   Bx1LRX  Box 1 Lower Right X                                    Integer
   Bx1LRY  Box 1 Lower Right Y                                    Integer
   Bx1ULX  Box 1 Upper Left X                                     Integer
   Bx1ULY  Box 1 Upper Left Y                                     Integer
   Bx1URX  Box 1 Upper Right X                                    Integer
   Bx1URY  Box 1 Upper Right Y                                    Integer
   Bx2Int  Box 2 Integral Value                                   Float
   Bx2LLY  Box 2 Lower Left X                                     Integer
   Bx2LLY  Box 2 Lower Left Y                                     Integer
   Bx2LRX  Box 2 Lower Right X                                    Integer
   Bx2ULX  Box 2 Upper Left X                                     Integer
   Bx2ULY  Box 2 Upper Left Y                                     Integer
   Bx2URX  Box 2 Upper Right X                                    Integer
   Bx2URY  Box 2 Upper Right Y                                    Integer
   CentMX  Center Cursor X Position                               Integer
   CentMY  Center Cursor Y Position                               Integer
   CGain   Camera Gain                                            Float
   Colr1   Color 1 Value                                          Text
   Colr2   Color 2 Value                                          Text
   Colr3   Color 3 Value                                          Text
   Colr4   Color 4 Value                                          Text
   Colr5   Color 5 Value                                          Text
   Colr6   Color 6 Value                                          Text
   Colr7   Color 7 Value                                          Text
   Colr8   Color 8 Value                                          Text
   Colr9   Color 9 Value                                          Text
   Colr10  Color 10 Value                                         Text
   Colr11  Color 11 Value                                         Text
   Colr12  Color 12 Value                                         Text
   Colr13  Color 13 Value                                         Text
   Colr14  Color 14 Value                                         Text
   Colr15  Color 15 Value                                         Text
   Colr16  Color 16 Value                                         Text
   ComPrs  Compression Type   (Note 25)                           Text
   DGFld   Digitizer Gamma setting  (non-linear adj.) (Note 14)   Float
   DiType  Digitizer Type (Note 14)                               Text
   DPtNum  Data Point Number                                      Integer
   DSGain  Digitizer System Gain                                  Float
   DSOff   Digitizer System Offset                                Float
   FldFrm  Fields per Frame                                       Integer
   FlorFr  Field or Frame Data in this File                       Text
   FRate   Frame Rate (frames/second)                             Float
   FrstCl  First Color                                            Integer
   EMFile  Emissivity File                                        Text
   IDFile  Image Display Control File (Note 6)                    Text
   ImDisp  Pre-digitized image display format (Note 14)           Text
   ImQual  Image Quality (Note 11)                                Text
   ImSig   Pre-digitized image signal type (Note 14)              Text
   ImSize  Image Size (in bytes after any compression)            Integer
   Intrlc  Frame Data Are Interlaced in the File                  Text
   NClrs   Number of Colors Used                                  Integer
   PLeftX  Profile Left X                                         Integer
   PLeftY  Profile Left Y                                         Integer
   PRghtX  Profile Right X                                        Integer
   PRghtY  Profile Right Y                                        Integer
   ProCX   Profile Cursor X                                       Integer
   ProCY   Profile Cursor Y                                       Integer
   SpecFn  Special Function to apply to the image (Note 23)       Text
   SRFile  Slant Range Correction Factor File                     Text
   VrtAtt  Vertical Attitude (degrees)                            Float
   XMag    X Compress or Enlarge Factor                           Float
   XPixls  Digitized Data Image Width (pixels)                    Integer
   XPxWid  X (horizontal) Pixel Width (meters)                    Float
   YMag    Y Compress or Enlarge Factor                           Float
   YMax    Maximum y value                                        Float
   YMin    Minimum value                                          Float
   YPixls  Digitized Data Image Height (pixels)                   Integer
   YPxWid  Y (vertical) Pixel Width (meters)                      Float
Table III Data Tags

   Tag                  Description                               Type

   Calc01  Calculated Parameter, valid from 01 thru 99 (Note 24)  Text
   FreRsp  System Electrical Frequency Response (Hz)              Float
   Keywrd  XY File Keyword (Note 12)                              Text
   NParam  Number of Parameters in File                           Integer
   NumDPs  Number of Data Points in File                          Integer
   PcSize  Parameter Classification Size (bytes)                  Integer
   PltSub  XY Plot Subtitle                                       Text
   PltTtl  XY Plot Title                                          Text
   PnSize  Parameter Name Size (bytes)                            Integer
   PodOrd  Data Ordering in POD Files (Note 20)                   Text
   PuSize  Parameter Units Size (bytes)                           Integer
   SampRa  Sample Rate (Hz)                                       Float
   XCFile  X-Axis Calibration File                                Text
   XDaUnt  X-Axis Data Units                                      Text
   XFName  X-Axis File Name (a 1 parameter POD file)              Text
   XParam  X-Axis Parameter name                                  Text
   XScFac  X-Axis Scale Factor (applied to XFName values)         Float
   XYFNum  XY File Number                                         Integer
   XYFrst  XY First Value                                         Float
   XYLast  XY Last Value                                          Float
   YParam  Y-Axis Parameter name                                  Text
Table IV Active Source Tags

   Tag                  Description                               Type

   SrcNam  Active Source AMSC Component Name                      Text
   SrcWav  Active Source Wavelength or Frequency (Note 13)        Float
   SrcWid  Active Source Scan Width (GHz)                         Float
   SrcWUn  Source Wavelength or Frequency Units (Note 13)         Text
   SrcRat  Active Source Scan Rate (Hz)                           Float


1. Background Type Code (BgType)

     Col  Column Average (each column has an average background
     Row  Row Average (each row has an average background value)
     Avg  Floating Box Average
     File File Subtraction
     Fix  Fixed Value
     None Assume Zero Background
2. Linear Data EUD Calculation

This information was originally provided for image data sets, but can be adapted as required for other data set types. Instrument specific variations in this equation should be documented with the data set in an ASCII file.

The linear data mode is indicated by LIN in the LinLog field. The equation for converting the pixel values to engineering units is

EUD = (PixelValue - Background)*SclFac*TPFact+OffCor
The units of the resulting value are defined in DaUnit. The individual pixel values and the background value(s) are required to have the same units (i.e., counts of volts). SclFac is responsivity factor for the instrument which obtained the data, and is defined in radiance per detector output units (i.e., W/sr- cm2-count or W/sr-cm2-volt). Scale Factors (SclFac) which vary on a pixel by pixel basis are stored in the file identified in Cafile. If neither CaFile or SclFac are specified, SclFac defaults to 1.0 for all pixels.

TPFact is a dimensionless correction factor to adjust for transmission path effects, and defaults to 1.0 if not present. OffCor is an optional data correction offset factor (with a default of 0.0) and has the units defined in DaUnit. If the background type (BgType) is set to None or not present, the background defaults to 0.

For Avg and Fix backgrounds, the background value, which is the same for all pixels, is defined in BgValu. In addition, for the Avg type of background, the corners of the box used to compute the background are given in (BGBULX, BGBULY), (BGBURX, BGBURY), (BGBLLX, BGBLLY), and (BGBLRX, BGBLRY).

If the background type is Row, the footer contains an array of floating point number of dimension Ypixls. Then for all pixels in row 1 of the image, the first element of the footer array is used as the background; for all pixels in row 2 of the image, the second element of the footer array is used as the background, etc.

If the background type is Col, the footer contains an array of floating point number of dimension XPixls. Then, for all pixels in column 1 of the image, the first element of the footer array is used as the background; for all pixels in volume 2 of the image, the second element of the footer array is used as the background, etc.

If the background type is File, the BgFile field must contain a name for a background image file of the same format as all standard images. For file background subtraction, the background value for any pixel in the image file is the corresponding pixel in the background image.

3. Byte Order Codes (BytOrd)

     LH   Low order byte first (Typical DOS application)
     HL   High order byte first
     VX   VAX byte order
4. Data Type Codes (DaType)

     ASCII          ASCII
     Int8      1-byte integer (0-255 unsigned)
     Int16     2-byte integer
     Int32     4-byte integer
     Int64     8-byte integer
     Flt32     Single precision floating point
     Flt64     Double precision floating point
     RGB24     24-bit color image (3 bytes per pixel, RGB)
5. Log Data EUD Calculation (LogASl, LogOff)

This information was originally provided for image data sets, but can be adapted as required for other data set types. Instrument specific variations in this equation should be documented with the data set in an ASCII file.

This mode of operation is indicated by the presence of LOG in the LinLog field. The equation for converting log camera data to engineering units is

EUD = SclFac*TPFact)*(10^(LogASl*(PixelValue-LogOff)) - 10^(LogASl*(Background-LogOff)))

where SclFac, TPFact, OffCor, and DaUnit are defined the same as for linear data and LogOff is a tape recorder offset adjustment which defaults to 0. If the background type is set to None or not present, the second term in the equation (enclosed in braces []) defaults to 0.

6. Ancillary Files

Any files named in the standard header are themselves required to have a standard header.

7. Captive test FOV Axial Location (FOVAxl)

This parameter is defined as the distance from the nozzle exit to the center of the FOV (center pixel in the digitized image) parallel to the direction of flow and normal to the nozzle exit plane, with positive values in the direction of flow. The axial location is typically specified only for near-field test chamber or static test measurements.

For target aspect angles of 0 deg (nose-on) or 180 deg (tail- on), this parameter represents the horizontal distance to the target center.

8. Captive Test FOV Radial Location (FOVRdl)

This parameter is defined as the distance from the plume centerline to the center of the FOV (center pixel in the digitized image) in a line normal to the direction of flow and parallel with the nozzle exit plane, with positive values being up and to the right in the digitized image. The radial location is typically specified only for near-field test chamber or static test measurements. For target aspect angles of 0 deg (nose-on) or 180 deg (tail-on), this parameter represents the horizontal distance to the target center.

9. Noise Equivalent Quantity (NEQ)

This parameter has the units defined in DaUnits. The intent is to identify the rms noise level in the data. Nominal values should be specified and separate files archived as required for spatially or temporally dependent noise equivalent parameters.

10. Acquisition Mode Codes (AqMode)

     FM   FM Tape
     LV   Live (Real time digitization)
     OP   Video Optical Disk
     UM   Umatic Tape
     VR   VCR
     SV   Super VHS
     D2   D2 Digital Video Tape
11. Quality Codes (ImQual)

     OK   Preferred Image, scan or data point
     NO   Non-preferred Image, scan or data point
12. SAF Keyword Codes (KeyWrd)

   Data Format          KeyWrd              Description             

Image                    IMG      2-D  array of values (This is  the 
                                  default tag value)
                         CMAP     2-D array of color map indices
                         PAV      Position and value triplets
Parameter Oriented Data  POD      Multiple dependent parameters with
                                  the same independent parameter
xy pairs                 XYPT     (x,y) pairs, y vs. points          
                         XYFN     (x,y) pairs, y vs. file number
                         XYTM     (x,y) pairs, vs. time
                         XYDI     (x,y) pairs, y vs. distance (in meters)
y values only            YPT      y vs. points                       
                         YFN      y vs. file number
                         YTM      y vs. time
                         YDI      y vs. distance (in meters)
                         YWL      y vs. wavelength
                         YWN      y vs. wavenumber
13. Active Source Wavelength and Units (SrcWav, SrcWUn)

Not a required parameter for lamps or blackbodies. Standard units are micron, GHz or cm-1.

14. Digitizer Settings

Digitizer system settings are required to maintain traceability and repeatability. Pre-digitized image information to be listed includes the display type and the signal type. The Gamma setting is required for Quantex-digitized imagery. Options are listed in the table below.

                           TYPE         SIGNAL     TYPE

             Tag          DiType        ImSig     ImDisp

          Possible        Quantex        RGB      Color
           Values         Matrox         NTSC            
                        RCI_RTD_8*       PAL            
                        RCI_RTD_10*      SECAM           

     *RCI Real-Time Disk, 8-bit or 10-bit Resolution
     **RCI YUV File Format, 8-bit Resolution

15. SDIO Data Levels (SDLevl)

 Level                          Description

 0     Telemetry data as received by ground stations.  Both digital
       and analog.
 1     Data   processed   by   ground   station   into   digitized,
       decommutated  data,  in  proper  time  order,  separated  by
       sensor, time-tagged, with collateral data attached.  Data is
       placed into a raw database.
 2     Data   reduced  to  scientific  and  engineering  units   by
       application of calibration data.  Time-tag converted to GMT.
       Data is assembled into a reduced database.
 3     Fully     characterized,    validated    level    2    data.
       Characterization  includes  target  characteristics,  range,
       fuel  type,  etc,  atmospheric  conditions;  as  well  as  a
       complete sensor characterization.
16. ASG IRIS DATA EUD CALCULATION (from Flat-Fielded Data)

          EU   =    Exp[{ln(x-bg)-a} / b]
          a    =    LogASl in header
          b    =    LogOff in header
          bg   =    Background Value
          x    =    Pixel Value
17. User Controlled Tags (USRCON)

Certain experiments may have specific and exceptional information to be included in the header. For such programs, a second header file is created in the same format as the standard file which includes tags and associated information. This file is named as specified by the parameter USRCON in the standard header. It is the responsibility of the archivist to provide sufficient documentation describing the user-specified tags and definitions.

18. Stage Number (Stage)

This tag is used to indicate which stage is thrusting during powered flight. For most data sets and targets, the use of this tag will be straight forward. Nomenclature or conventions are not specified by this document for instances when the target coasts between stages, there are combination burns of different stages (e.g. Titan 34D), or when prominent interstage events occur. This tag is used by some AMSC Software tools to graphically indicate the approximate operating times or regions for the various stages.

19. Target Type Definitions (TRGTYP)

     Liquid         Liquid Rocket Engine
     Solid          Solid Rocket Motor
     Liquid/Solid   Dual System using a combination of both types
                    of propulsion systems
20. Data Ordering in POD Files (PodOrd)

This tag is used to indicate the storage order in POD files. The default value is COL, which is most suitable for ASCII files. In this case the data for each parameter is in a column, with each row having one value for each parameter. For binary files, the alternate value Row is more suitable. In this case all the data for each parameter occupies one row in the file. For binary files this means that all the data for each parameter is contiguous, allowing faster access.

21. Standard Data Units (StdUnt)

Standard data units are specified using this tag. For human readability of the header information, the data units may be placed in the header using the DaUnit tag also. The StdUnt tag will take precedence over the DaUnit tag.

   Index  Units                   Standard Abbreviation

     0    Nonstandard, use DaUnit
     1    Counts                         cnt
     2    Volts                          V
     3    Amperes                        A
     4    Watts                          W
     5    Fahrenheit Temperature         deg F
     6    Celsius Temperature            deg C
     7    Rankine Temperature            deg R
     8    Kelvin Temperature             K
     9    Meters                         m
    10    Centimeters                    cm
    11    Kilometers                     km
    12    Micrometers                    um
    13    Seconds                        sec
    14    Steradians                     sr
    15    In-Band Radiant Intensity      W/sr
    16    In-Band Irradiance             W/cm^2
    17    In-Band Radiance               W/(sr cm^2)
    18    Spectral Radiant Intensity     W/(sr um)
    19    Spectral Irradiance            W/(cm^2 um)
    20    Spectral Radiance              W/(sr cm^2 um)
    21    Station Radiance               W/(sr cm)

22. AMSC Default SAF Parameters

Default values for common header parameters utilized by various AMSC analysis tools are listed below. These are supplied by the software if parameters are not included in the SAF file.

                           TAG      VALUE

                           BgType    NONE
                           BgValu    0.0
                           Class     Unclassified
                           EURaw     RAW
                           FldFrm    2
                           FlorFr    FRAME
                           Frate     30
                           Intrlc    NO
                           Keywrd    IMG
                           LinLog    LIN
                           OffCor    0.0
                           PodOrd    Column
                           SclFac    1.0
                           TPFact    1.0
			   ComPrs    None
23. Special Function Applied to Images

The text value of the SpecFn tag is an algebraic expression which is to be applied to the image after all other processing is completed. Header values are referenced as $tag where 'tag' is the name of the desired header tag. Each pixel value is referenced as x. Thus a sample expression is

"1.01 + x + sin(x*pi) / ($TALO/2)^3".

24. Calculated Parameters

The analysis software will parse the text value of each CalcXX tag for the name, units, and the algebraic expression which defines this parameter. The parameter values will be calculated. Header values may be referenced by $tag where 'tag' is the name of the desired header value. The value of other parameters included in the file are referenced by placing the case sensitive name in single quotes. There may be up to 99 such parameters.

A sample text value is

"Mach Number", "", "'speed' * 1024.2 / $Temp^2"
25. Compression Type

To save space, image data may be compressed. The only compression presently supported is gzip. The possible values are None and GZIP.