This is an excerpt from code that contains a commented listing of the contents of the Kodak YCC file format. See the code subdirectory in this directory for the full code example. * The format for the output file is a monochrome ICC file, * padded to 8-pixel in the column or x direction. * * The format for the "ICC" header is: * * Magic Number (5965600) 4 bytes * Header Length 4 bytes * Extraneous data (Header Length -4) bytes * Image File header length 4 bytes * Header + data length 4 bytes * Logical File Name 16 bytes * File Type (7) 4 bytes * Extraneous data 8 bytes * Image X Size 4 bytes * Image Y Size 4 bytes * Extraneous data 12 bytes * Plane Count 4 bytes * Extraneous data 8 bytes * Extraneous data n bytes * RED DATA (X_SIZE * Y_SIZE bytes) * GREEN DATA (X_SIZE * Y_SIZE bytes) if needed * BLUE DATA (X_SIZE * Y_SIZE bytes) if needed * *