1.1 NCSA HDF Calling Interfaces and Utilities NCSA HDF Basics 1.1 National Center for Supercomputing Applications March 1993 1.1 NCSA HDF Calling Interfaces and Utilities NCSA HDF Basics 1.1 National Center for Supercomputing Applications March 1993 Chapter 1 NCSA HDF Basics Chapter Overview What Is Hierarchical Data Format? Why Was HDF Created? NCSA HDF Application Software NCSA Scientific Visualization Software HDF Calling Interfaces HDF Utilities Getting Started with HDF Examples Writing an HDF 8-Bit Raster Image Set Writing an HDF Scientific Dataset FORTRAN and C FORTRAN Stubs Atomic Data Type Specifications Array Specifications Case Sensitivity Name Length Header Files FORTRAN 77, ANSI C and K & RÕs C HDF Without FORTRAN Installing HDF Transferring HDF Files How to Get HDF FTP Archive Server U.S. Mail Chapter Overview This chapter provides a description of NCSA HDF, the reasons behind its creation, and a brief description of HDF application software. What Is Hierarchical Data Format? The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is a multi-object file structure that is designed to facilitate the sharing of data among people, projects, and machines on a network (Fig. 1.1). HDF was created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) to serve the needs of diverse groups of scientists working on supercomputing projects of many kinds. ED. NOTE: Figures are not available in this plain text version of the specification. Figure 1.1 HDF: A File Format for Scientific Data in a Distributed Environment Why Was HDF Created? Scientists commonly generate and process data files on several different machines, use various software packages to process files, and share data files with others who use different machines and software. Also, the mixture of information that scientists need to work with often varies from one file to another, even for the same application. Files may be conceptually related but physically separated; e.g., some data may be dispersed among different files, some in program code, and some in the minds of various users. HDF addresses these problems by providing a general purpose file structure that does the following: * Makes it possible for programs to obtain information about the data in a file from the file itself, rather than from another source * Lets you store different mixtures of data and related information in different files, even when the files are processed by the same application program * Standardizes the formats and descriptions of many types of commonly used datasets, such as raster images and scientific data * Encourages the use of a common data format by all machines and programs that produce files containing a specific dataset * Can be adapted to accommodate virtually any kind of data by defining new tags or new combinations of tags HDF files are self-describing. For each data object in an HDF file, there are predefined tags that identify such information as the type of data, the amount of data, its dimensions, and its location in the file. The self-describing capability of HDF files has important implications for processing scientific data. It makes it possible to fully understand the structure and contents of a file just from the information stored in the file itself. A program that has been written to interpret certain tag types can scan a file containing those tag types and process the corresponding data. Self- description also means that many types of data can be bundled in an HDF file. For example, it is possible to accommodate symbolic, numerical, and graphical data in one HDF file. Related items of information about a particular type of data are grouped into sets, such as the raster image sets (see Chapter 2, ÒStoring Raster ImagesÓ) and scientific datasets (see Chapter 4, ÒStoring Rectangular Gridded Arrays of Scientific DataÓ). Each set defines an application area supported by HDF. Additional sets can be defined and added to HDF as the needs arise. Figure 1.2 shows a conceptual view of an HDF file containing a scientific dataset. The actual two-dimensional array of data is only one element in the set. Other elements include the number of dimensions (rank), the sizes of the dimensions, identifying information about the data and axes, and scales (ranges) for the axes. Figure 1.2 HDF File with Scientific Dataset NCSA HDF Application Software NCSA HDF application software currently comes in three forms: (1) NCSA scientific visualization tools that read and write HDF files, (2) calling interfaces that let you read and write HDF files from within a FORTRAN or C program, and (3) command-line utilities that operate directly on HDF files. The integration of these types of software in the computing environment at NCSA is illustrated in Fig 1.3. Visualization tools such as NCSA Collage and NCSA DataScope read and write HDF files. Calling interfaces in the HDF library (libdf.a) let you read and write HDF files from your programs. And utilities such as r8tohdf let you operate on HDF files at the command level. Figure 1. 3 HDF Software in an Integrated Computing Environment NCSA Scientific Visualization Software The use of HDF files guarantees the interoperability of the scientific visualization tools at NCSA. Some tools operate on raster images, some operate on color palettes, some use images, color palettes, data and annotations, and so forth. HDF provides the range of data types that these tools need, in a format that lets different tools with different data requirements operate on the same files without confusion. HDF Calling Interfaces In order to minimize the amount of knowledge you need to have about HDF, calling interfaces have been developed for specific types of applications, such as the storage and display of raster images or scientific data archiving. A calling interface is a library of routines that can be called from an application program for storing and retrieving information, including raw data, from a particular type of HDF file. Different applications typically require different interfaces. Consequently, NCSA HDF provides FORTRAN and C calling interfaces for storing and retrieving 8- and 24-bit raster images, palettes, scientific data, and annotations. These interfaces, which are described in detail in chapters 2 through 5, are mutually compatible, and user programs can combine calls to routines in different interfaces when they need to store different kinds of data in the same file. HDF files tend to be used on several different machines, and HDF interfaces developed at NCSA are implemented on as many machines as possible. An important goal in the development of NCSA HDF user interfaces is to eliminate the necessity of changing program code when moving an application from one machine to another. HDF Utilities The HDF command line utilities are application programs that can be executed by entering them at the command level, just like other UNIX commands. They make it possible for you to perform, at the command level, common operations on HDF files for which you would normally have to write your own program. For example, the utility r8tohdf is a program that takes a raw raster image from a file and stores it in an HDF files in a raster image set. The HDF utilities provide capabilities for doing things with HDF files that would be very difficult to do under your own program control. For example, the utility hdfls lists the contents of an HDF file, including such things as the meanings of tags and the size and location of each data item. The HDF utilities are described in detail in the Chapter called NCSA HDF Command Line Utilities. Getting Started with HDF If you do not have access to a machine that already has an HDF library, you will need to install it yourself or have your system administrator install it. Although procedures for installing the HDF library vary from one system to another, the basic steps are the same in all cases. First, you need to get the software. The section, ÒHow to Get HDFÓ tells you how to get the HDF software from NCSA. In some cases you can get the actual precompiled library, in which cases you can load it into your machine into an appropriate directory. If instead you get the source code for the HDF library, you first have to compile the source code into a linkable library. Detailed information on how to install and use HDF on specific systems can be found in the documentation that comes with the system-specific versions of the software. Examples Writing an HDF 8-Bit Raster Image Set A typical use of HDF involves preparation of scientific data for visualization as an 8-bit raster image. Using 8-bit raster imaging, the values on a grid of numbers can be represented by color values in a palette of 256 colors. The following code segments, the first in FORTRAN, the second in C, convert a 200 x 100 floating-point array to an 8-bit raster image, then store the image in an HDF file. FORTRAN: CHARACTER*1 image(100,200) INTEGER istat, d8aimg C Other Fortran code goes here C Convert values in array ivals to character (8-bit) data do 10 ix=1,100 do 10 iy=1,200 image(ix,iy) = char(ivals(ix,iy)) 10 continue C Write image to an HDF file istat = d8aimg('myfile.hdf', image, 100, 200, 0) if (istat .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error writing HDF file' endif C: char image[200][100]; int ix, iy, istat, DFR8addimage(); /* Other C code goes here */ for (ix=0; ix<200; ix++) for (iy=0; iy<100; iy++) image[ix][iy] = (char) (ivals[ix][iy]); istat = DFR8addimage("myfile.hdf", image, 200, 100, 0); if (istat != 0) printf("Error writing HDF file\n"); NOTE: DFR8addimage writes the image stored in the array image to myfile.hdf. If myfile.hdf exists, the image is appended to the file. If myfile.hdf does not exist, a new file is created, and the image is written as the first image in the file. The variable istat is assigned the value 0 if DFR8addimage succeeds; , -1 is assigned if it fails. The routine DFR8getimage is available for retrieving images from HDF files. Routines are also available for storing color lookup tables (palettes) with raster images. Linking to the HDF library If your FORTRAN or C program makes a call to HDF, it must be linked to the HDF library. Normally the HDF library is in a file called libdf.a. You can indicate the linkage in your compile statement, or if a separate linkage step is used, it may be done at that time. Hence, if libdf.a is in your current directory, you compile and link your program to HDF with a statement such as the following. f77 -o myprog myprog.f libdf.a (FORTRAN) cc -o myprog myprog.c libdf.a (C) If your library is contained in a public library directory on a UNIX system, you can link it with a statement such as f77 -o myprog myprog.f -ldf (FORTRAN) cc -o myprog myprog.c -ldf (C) Writing an HDF Scientific Dataset An HDF scientific dataset (SDS) is a collection in an HDF file of information about scientific data stored as a multi-dimensional array of numbers. Each SDS must include the actual data array, its rank (number of dimensions), and its dimensions. Optionally, an SDS can also contain scales to be used along the different axes when interpreting the data, maximum and minimum values of the data, calibration information, and the coordinate system used to interpret the data. Labels, units, and format specifications for displaying and interpreting the data and dimensions may also be included. Below is code presented first in FORTRAN, then in C, that stores a 200 x 200 16-bit integer array called "pressure" in an SDS in the HDF file, Ex.hdf. It also stores labels, units, and formats as part of the same SDS. FORTRAN: INTEGER dssdims, dssnt, dssdast, dssdist, dsadata integer*2 pressure(200,200) INTEGER shape(2), ret, DFNT_INT16 DFNT_INT16 = 22 shape(1) = 200 shape(2) = 200 ret = dssnt(DFNT_INT16) ret = dssdims(2, shape) ret = dssdast('pressure 1','Pascals','E15.9','cartesian') ret = dssdist(1,'x','cm','F10.2') ret = dssdist(2,'y','cm','F10.2') ret = dsadata('Ex.hdf', 2, shape, pressure) C: #include "hdf.h" int16 pressure[200][200]; int shape[2]; shape[1] = 200; shape[2] = 200; DFSDsetNT(DFNT_INT16); DFSDsetdims(2, shape); DFSDsetdatastrs("pressure 1", "Pascals","E15.9","cartesian"); DFSDsetdimstrs(1,"x","cm","F10.2"); DFSDsetdimstrs(2,"y","cm","F10.2"); DFSDadddata("Ex.hdf", 2, shape, pressure); NOTE: The "set" calls (DFSDsetdims(), etc.) indicate the ancillary information that is to be stored with the SDS. DFSDsetdims is required; the others are optional. DFSDsetNT indicates that the number type of the data is 16-bit integer. DFSDadddata writes the scientific dataset data to Ex.hdf. If Ex.hdf exists, the SDS is appended to the file. If Ex.hdf does not exist, a new file is created, and the SDS is written as the first in the file. FORTRAN and C Language Issues The necessity to support both FORTRAN and C interfaces for HDF inevitably leads to some difficulties in the design of the interfaces. What is natural to a C interface can be quite unnatural to a FORTRAN interface and vice versa. In order to make the FORTRAN and C versions of each routine as identical as possible, some compromises have often had to be made in the simplification of one or the other routine. FORTRAN Stubs Almost all of the actual code underlying the HDF interfaces is written in C. Every call to a FORTRAN routine ultimately makes access to a C routine that actually carries out the prescribed function. So, the FORTRAN routines might better be referred to as FORTRAN stubs rather than FORTRAN functions. When called, these stubs typically translate all parameter values immediately to a data type that is accessible to C, then call a corresponding C function to do the actual work. Atomic Data Type Specifications When mixing machines, compilers, and languages, it is difficult to keep straight differences in data types. For instance "integer" might be a 32-bit quantity on one machine, a 16-bit quantity on another, and 64-bits on a third. Differences between FORTRAN and C also leads to some difficulties in describing some of the data types in the argument lists of HDF routines. The help keep matters straight, special names have been given to all data types used in HDF routines. The following table shows the names used in all descriptions of C and FORTRAN routines for the data types used. C FORTRAN type of data name name 8-bit signed integer int8 CHARACTER*1 8-bit unsigned integer uint8 (not supported) 16-bit signed integer int16 CHARACTER*2 16-bit unsigned integer uint16 (not supported) 32-bit signed integer int32 INTEGER*4 32-bit unsigned integer uint32 (not supported) 32-bit floating point number float32 REAL*4 64-bit floating point number float64 REAL*8 generic integer intn INTEGER The data types marked "NA" in the FORTRAN column are not generally available in FORTRAN, so no convention is indicated. In most cases, it is obvious how you should declare variables in you program to conform to these data types. For example a "uint16" in C would normally be "unsigned short." But in some cases the correspondence may be a little more difficult. When in doubt, consult the file hdfi.h, which contains type definitions for all of these types on all machines that HDF supports. To automatically define these data types, C programmers can use "#include" to include hdfi.h with their program. Array Specifications Some of the routines covered in this manual place no restrictions on the rank (number of dimensions) that a data array can have. This is perfectly legal in C, but unnatural in FORTRAN. Fortunately, since both C and FORTRAN pass arrays by reference, no problem arises in the actual interface between the FORTRAN calls and the corresponding stubs. The only real problem is in the notation used in this manual to describe the routines as if they were actual FORTRAN routines. As a result, in the declarations contained in the headers of FORTRAN functions, we use the following conventions: * CHARACTER*1 x(*) means that x refers to an array that contains an indefinite number of characters. It is the responsibility of the calling program to allocate enough space to hold whatever data is stored in the array. * REAL x(*) means that x refers to an array of reals of indefinite size and of indefinite rank. It is the responsibility of the calling program to allocate an actual array with the correct number of dimensions and dimension sizes. Case Sensitivity Another difference between FORTRAN and C is that FORTRAN identifiers, in general, are not case sensitive, whereas C identifiers are. Although all of the FORTRAN routines shown in this manual are written in lower case, FORTRAN programs that call them can use either upper or lower case without loss of meaning. Name Length Since some FORTRAN compilers can only interpret identifier names with seven or fewer characters, the names of the FORTRAN routines have been restricted to seven or fewer characters. Header Files If your program uses special HDF declarations or definitions, you may need to include a header file. The primary header file is hdf.h. It contains declarations and definitions that are used by the C routines. For example, prototypes for all C routines can be automatically included by including hdf.h. Also, if your program uses mnemonics for tags, the corresponding numerical values for the tags can be found in hdf.h. There is also a file called constants.f that contains FORTRAN parameter statements that declare the HDF constants that you are most likely to use in a FORTRAN program that invokes HDF routines. The inclusion of header files is not, in general, permitted by FORTRAN compilers. It is, however, sometimes available as an option. On UNIX systems, for example, the macro processors m4 and cpp let your compiler include and preprocess header files. If this or a similar capability is not available, you may have to copy whatever declarations, definitions, or values you need from constants.f into your program code. FORTRAN 77, ANSI C, and K&R C As much as possible, we have tried to stick closely to those implementations of the two languages that are in most common use today, namely FORTRAN 77, ANSI C and K&R C. If your FORTRAN or C compiler understands FORTRAN 77, ANSI C, or K&R C, it should be able to link easily to the interfaces. Although we try to adhere to these standards, we must note that a primary objective of the HDF project is to support HDF on a variety of different machines, and this, in some cases, means accommodating some deviations. We are also aware of the fact that many potential users of HDF have compilers that our code does not accommodate. Let us know if your particular dialect does not work with HDF. We may or we may not be able to help. HDF Without FORTRAN If you do not use FORTRAN with HDF, you may want to compile the HDF library without any FORTRAN routines in it. Two instances in which you may choose to do so are the following: 1) If you want to reduce the size of the HDF library 2) If you donÕt have a FORTRAN compiler to use in compiling the library Details on how to compile HDF without FORTRAN are contained in the INSTALL file that is included with the anonymous ftp version of HDF. Installing HDF Details on how to install HDF are beyond the scope of this manual, but you can get quite a bit of information about the process from the readme files that come with the source code. See the section below "How to Get HDF" for information on how to get the actual HDF software. Transferring HDF Files HDF files are binary files, so any transfer protocol that transfers binary files without changing them can be used to transfer HDF files. Many HDF users use FTP to transfer HDF files. If you use FTP, switch to binary mode when transferring HDF files. If you use NCSA Telnet and you wish to transfer an HDF file to or from a Macintosh, you must pay special attention to whether or not to enable the "Macbinary" option. There are two case to consider: * If the HDF file is not from a Macintosh application (e.g., it is a normal HDF file generated by your FORTRAN or C program), then be sure to turn Macbinary mode off before performing the transfer. * If the HDF file corresponds to a Macintosh application (e.g., NCSA Layout, NCSA DataScope, etc.), and you want to transfer it so that it can be accessed from a Macintosh application on another Mac, then be sure to turn Macbinary mode on before performing the transfer. How to Get HDF You may obtain NCSA software via FTP, an archive server, or U.S. mail. Instructions for doing so are provided below. FTP If you are connected to Internet (NSFNET, ARPANET, MILNET, etc.) you may download NCSA HDF software, documentation, and source code, at no charge from an anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP) server at NCSA. The procedure you should follow to do so is presented below. If you have any questions regarding this procedure or whether you are connected to Internet, consult your local system administration or network expert. 1. Log on to a host at your site that is connected to the Internet and is running software supporting the FTP command. 2. Invoke FTP on most systems by entering the Internet address of the server: ftp ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu or ftp 3. Log in by entering anonymous for the name. 4. Enter your e-mail address for the password. 5. Enter get README.FIRST to transfer the instructions (ASCII) to your local host. 6. Enter quit to exit FTP and return to your local host. 7. Review the README.FIRST file for complete instructions concerning the organization of the FTP directories and the procedure you should follow to download the README files that contain further information on how to get and compile the most recently released version of HDF for your machine and operating system and to determine which files to transfer to your home machine. Your login session should resemble the sample presented below, where the remote user's e-mail address is smith@xyz..univ.edu and user entries are indicated in boldface type. harriet_51% ftp ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu Connected to zaphod. 220 zaphod FTP server (Version 4.173 Tue Jan 31 08:29:00 CST 1989) ready. Name (ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu: smith): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Password: smith@xyz.univ.edu 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> get README.FIRST 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for README.FIRST (10283 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: README.FIRST remote: README.FIRST 11066 bytes received in .34 seconds (32 Kbytes/s) ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. harriet_52% NCSA HDF documentation, program, and source code are now in the public domain. You may copy, modify, and distribute these files as you see fit. Archive Server To obtain NCSA software via an archive server: 1. E-mail a request to: archive-server@ncsa.uiuc.edu 2. Include in the subject or message line, the word "help." 3. Press RETURN. 4. Send another e-mail request to: archive-server@ncsa.uiuc.edu 5. Include in the subject or message line, the word "index." 6. Press RETURN. For example, if you use the UNIX mailing system, your login session should resemble the following sample, where user entries are indicated in boldface type. yoyodyne_51% mail archive-server@ncsa.uiuc.edu Subject: help . EOT Null message body; hope that's ok yoyodyne_52% mail archive-server@ncsa.uiuc.edu Subject: index . EOT Null message body; hope that's ok The information you receive from both the help and index commands will give you further instructions on obtaining NCSA software. This controlled-access server will e-mail the distribution to you one segment at a time. U.S.Mail Like other NCSA software, NCSA HDF is also available for purchaseÑeither individually or as part of the anonymous FTP reel or cartridge tapesÑthrough the NCSA Technical Resources Catalog. Orders can only be processed if accompanied by a check in U. S. dollars made out to the University of Illinois. To obtain a catalog, contact: NCSA Documentation Orders 152 Computing Applications Building 605 East Springfield Avenue Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 244-0072